
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Without Covid-19 Risk

Happy holidays guys! How’s your Thanksgiving going to be? According to Dr. Fauci, “It depends on where you are, our number of cases per day is higher than I want to see…

The Move

“Mother, how could you have done this to us? You just upped and left us as though we were sacks of potatoes you couldn’t afford to carry on your trip. You left…

AfroGist: 14 People Share Their Heartfelt Letters to Heaven

Death is an inevitable part of human existence. But still, it’s one of those things that has the potential to rend one’s heart to pieces, especially when it hits too close to…

To: My Forever

He called out my name. I could hear his voice echo through the empty hallway. “Bibanke!!!” I continued running without looking back once, tears in my eyes, all I could mutter coldly…

A Dark Fated Tale

Hi there! If you’re just joining in, you’re welcome. I’m gonna take you on an interesting ride. Do get yourself a soft drink, plunge yourself into a comfortable chair, and join me…

Your Name

“Rainy days really aren’t my thing. Argh! I hate it when my shoes get wet. The ‘squish squish’ sounds irritate the hell out of me. I just wanna get home, bathe, change…

Mother’s Words

“I remember the first time we met. Most girls meet the love of their life at the mall while seeing a movie, by the road while trying to buy fried bean cakes…

#43: Love Struck

Ada vows to not give in to distractions, so she could study for Dr. Ebenezer’s course. But as soon as Kunle comes calling, she doesn’t hesitate to toss her books aside.

The Proposal

I stretched out, smiling from ear to ear. It was about time I did the needful I thought to myself. Crossing over to the other side of the room and kneeling gallantly…

Birthday Scare with Mum

“Is it a crime to have a mother?? Should I just disown her? God..” Ada soliloquizes, thinking back to the experience she just had.