Interesting short stories

Our Love Story

Our Love Story

“Who would have thought that we would be seated here? In a fancy five-star restaurant like this. Sipping white wine, after everything we’ve been through together? To think the storms almost drowned…


Desiree (E1 – E5)

Newly unemployed, heartbroken and borderline broke, Desiree decides to forget her troubles at a wedding weekend in Ibadan. Her ex’s wedding! What could possibly go wrong?

Second Chance

I sit and stare at her with fear and sadness in my heart. She’s seated there facing me like a statue with a distant gaze locked in her eyes. Just like all…

young adult stories


“He touched me with the tip of his extension and I knew that something deep had gone into me. It was only the tip but it was deep. I gasped in ecstasy…

I Am Not Regina!

“Stop! Don’t do this I’m begging you. Please, please! Noooooo!” I cried all to no avail, he was oblivious to my wails. Hot liquid continued to stream down from my eyes, down…