Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One (Ada knocking at the door late at night) Ada: Mommy! Mom open the door quickly please! Scene TwoMrs. Wogu (At the door): Ada, is that you?!…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One (Ada’s boyfriend chatting with Ada over the phone while walking) Ada’s boyfriend:Hey babe, I’m on your street. (Ada’s boyfriend bumps into Ada’s Mom, groceries fall..) Scene…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneAda: Lola, I’m tired. I’ve been cracking my head for days now! Lola (laughing): Because of Valentine?! Scene TwoLola: Why not just buy your boyfriend boxers like…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One(Ada dreaming about getting married) Scene TwoAda: I don’t believe he broke up with me. It’s like a dream.Dave: I warned you, didn’t I? Scene ThreeAda: I…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One (Ada in bed) Ada: I’m depressed. Cathy: Black people don’t get depressed. Scene TwoAda: What?! I can’t even call you racist ‘cause you’re black too!Cathy: Okay,…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One Ada: I feel like I forgot something important, but I’m not sure… Scene Two (Ada after boarding a bus) Conductor: Your money, madam? (Realization) Ada: OMG!…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneFriend: Happy birthday, Ada. Scene TwoAda: This year is a special one. Let us toast to… Friends: The death of the old era and ther start of…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript SceneAda: Girls, I don’t know what to do. I have seen this guy everyday since my high school days. We have always stolen glances but I have never…
Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneMom: I am going out, dear. Look after your sister.Gamer Boy: Ok mom. Scene TwoSister: I am going out to play with my friends.Gamer Boy: Okay. Scene…
Change is the only thing that is constant; Everyone has heard this phrase at least once in their lifetime. Nevertheless, it’s an undeniable truth that is sometimes pleasant and other times, not…