afrolady short stories

When Life Throws Stones at You

When Life Throws Stones at You

As the iron gates opened, Sheila saw the first ray of sun she hadn’t seen in the last 10 years. Asides the routine work and games they were entitled to, which required…



The first time Uncle Donald had come to visit us, he’d seemed like the angel that God decided to leave back on earth. He was perfect, had the dentition of a man…

The Sad Story of Efosa

Everyone in the little community knew Efosa. He was as sturdy as a tiger clinging to its prey, as relentless as a vulture hovering over fresh meat, and he alone had the…

short stories, online stories, Afrolady short stories, interesting stories, love and romance stories, short stories about grief,

The Last Laugh of Victory

As she winded up and down for the umpteenth time to check the progress of movement up ahead, she couldn’t help but curse aloud. She was late for her Doctor’s appointment already.…

Lies, Igbos And Husbands

It was in the murky shadows of my dreams that I first heard my name. First faintly, then harsh and insistent like someone trying to water unfertile ground. The tension in the…