Afro Lady

12 Tips On How To Charm Anyone

Charming the socks out of anyone – contrary to popular opinion – demands skill, dedication, and deliberate charisma. Only a few individuals have been able to master the solid act of waltzing…

Corruption In Nigeria: A Nigerian Girl’s Personal Experience

I would like to define corruption as a situation where a tiny group of persons is favored at the expense of others (the larger society). This definition is the most correct when…

What Men Want in a Woman

The lights came on when all five girls were sitting on the living room floor playing cards. They were all in their underwear and some were fresh from the bath so they…

African Tales: The Witch Tree

I slipped my feet into the slippers beside the bed and wrapped my nightie firmly around myself. Eddy’s soft snores filled the room. The clock said 11pm, 2hours since we had dinner.…