
call me baby short interesting young adult stories to read online free

Call Me Baby

Sam The fridge door closed with a bang, narrowly missing my pinkie finger. I looked and saw my father standing there staring at me without remorse. Anger and the stench of old…

tiny hidden scars short stories

Tiny Hidden Scars

“I am in love.” The first time I said those words was to my mother when she was packing my lunch for school one morning. “Love?” She asked, her voice filled with…



The first time Uncle Donald had come to visit us, he’d seemed like the angel that God decided to leave back on earth. He was perfect, had the dentition of a man…

How You Become Your Nightmare

“Shhhhhh…” Mama gestured to me to keep quiet. “Don’t make a single sound, Ebere. Don’t move.” “Mom, I want to pee. I’d hurry to the bathroom and be back before he arrives.”…

People Share Reasons Why Nigerian Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

When people hear how much abuse women face in relationships, the first question they ask is “why do these women stay?” In the face of abuse, torture, and possible death, why do…

Prison Stories

The charcoaled walls and the stench of sweaty bodies from the other cells sent their greetings to me in my cell where I sat with my hands crossed on my knees, my…

The Move

“Mother, how could you have done this to us? You just upped and left us as though we were sacks of potatoes you couldn’t afford to carry on your trip. You left…

4th of September, 1992

The last time she saw her mother, she had had her head buried between her laps, with her right hand sticking out of the space between her right leg and thigh. Clutched…

The Terrorist’s Hideaway

“Tell me, what use is the government if they cannot even give us good roads?” The woman said as she crossed the road with her daughter, trying her best to jump over…

Come and Help Me See

I began my stay with Chief when I was fourteen years old. Poverty made my parents all too eager to let go of me. I was a proper village boy, the type…