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WTO-DG: Position Clears up For Okonjo-Iweala as South Korea Withdraws Candidate

WTO-DG: Position Clears up For Okonjo-Iweala as South Korea Withdraws Candidate

For the past months, individuals and nations of the world have kept cross fingers as the race for the Director-General of the World Trade Organization draws to a close. The events following the emergence of both candidates have left people posing questions of who might eventually emerge the winner.

The contest lies between two seasoned women of equally impressive qualifications and professional experience, Yoo Myung-hee, and Okonjo-Iweala. While both women are qualified to ascend as DG, Only recently, South Korea appears to be set to withdraw its trade minister from the race.

In a statement released by Washington Trade Daily(WTD), South Korea is expected to announce its decision to lay-off Myung-hee from the race soon enough. This decision has been conveyed to the United States, and its ramifications only imply that the WTO’s General council may soon confirm Nigeria’s first female finance minister, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala as the DG of the world trade organization. Giving a plus to not just women’s power, but a big push and win for the African continent.

Why Is South Korea Suddenly Pulling Out Its Candidate?

The Washington Trade Union explains that South Korea’s decision to withdraw Myung-Hung Yoo from the race will be made public in the coming days. While the United States has been informed of this new position, Hyung Yoo is set to withdraw majorly because;

“Yoo, from Korea, failed to rescue enough support from members of all development. That is, developed, developing, and least developing countries, as well as geographically in oppression to the largest support received by Mrs. Okonjo-iweala.”

It would also be imperative to remember that Okonjo-Iweala on the 28th of October was not named WTO-DG despite securing the popular vote by a wide margin and garnering the highest amount of support from key indications.

The US opposed her candidacy for various reasons, part of which owes to the accusation that she is perceived to be close to the Democratic Party.

WTO-DG: Who Will Emerge Winner?

While all pointers seem to be in favor of Okonjo Ngozi Iweala following the recent update, fingers will have to be crossed as we expect the final decision of the General Council.

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The virtual general council meeting has been slated to hold on the 17th of December, and it is imperative to remember that to decide the new DG, a new quorum of 82 members must be present at the meeting.

We look forward to the results of the event. Till then, fingers crossed.

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