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What is The Most Valuable Commodity On Earth?

What is The Most Valuable Commodity On Earth?

What if one were to ask what the most valuable commodity on earth is? We could have tons of answers pertaining to the values of those who cared to answer. The answers may range from money to rubies, gold, oil, assets, power, silver, platinum, minerals, etc. But there is one commodity that of the same level of value to everyone on earth and that is PEOPLE.

In order to make explicit why we claim that the most valuable commodity on earth is people-, it is important for you to know what value is and also what a commodity is.

What is Value?

According to the Oxford dictionary, “value is the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something”. Value can be individual, group, societal, national or even international.

Some of our core values are a factor of societal standards and vice versa. Individuals have come to value their relationships, assets, families, etc., and the most difficult of all.

The most difficult question we can ask people is what their values are? It may take a heartbeat to give an answer and the answers rarely ever change, – honesty, humility, discipline, etc. the question therefore is, what are your values?

What is a Commodity?

Commodity according to Oxford, “is a useful or valuable thing”. Although, different spheres and fields define a commodity differently. In economics, a commodity is seen as an economic good or service that has full or substantial value. Agriculture sees a commodity as a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, e.g. rubber, cotton, rice, etc.

Why Do We Name ‘People’ as The Most Valuable Commodity on Earth?

By rating the level of value a commodity has on a general scale rather than on an individual scale, we will arrive at the conclusion that we need and value people the most. Here are some reasons why the most valuable commodity on earth is people.

  • We Require Services

Although other commodities may be important, yet without human service, they will be of no substantial value. The value of human service is what the slave trade masters harnessed although in the wrong way. You need people to teach your kids, make the item or technology you use, fix your cars and equally make them, wash your hair, fix your nails, lecture in the universities, pastor your wedding, etc. whatever it is you name it, you require the services of people. Some people have been able to identify places and spheres in which human services are needed and have been able to trade their services for money in which they use in getting other services. The world is ruled by human services. The reason why we earn money is in order to use it to get services and this is an endless cycle.

  • The People Commodity is Durable

The people commodity has long durability. Although humans are characterized by some anti-durable factors such as death, pregnancy, sickness, etc. Its durability is bent on the factor of ‘replacement’. Humans can be replaced at any time. That’s why you have the saying ‘twenty friends will not be together in twenty years’. From your birth to eventually your death, you have met a countless number of people and you will meet countless numbers more. People are everywhere. The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is consistent. Some persons even believe in the afterlife and reincarnation.

  • The Earth is One Planet Where Humans Can Survive

From the planets we have known, the earth seems to be one of them in which humans can inhabit. People live on earth and this makes them a rare commodity. Imagine no planet could house humans and they probably go on extinction, what then would be of value? The earth has people as its most valuable commodity.

  • Other Values are Extracted From People

Remember when you were asked about what your values were, you had probably thought about what it was you liked or didn’t like about people. You also thought about the values others had influenced you into having or the ones your parents instilled into you. We have values because of and for people.

  • People Make Relationships

People are the most valuable commodity on earth because we have relationships with them. Such relationships are the bedrock for trade. You want to trade any other commodity of value to you, you have to do that with people based on relationships. These relationships may be; buyer-seller, client, customer, mother-daughter, family, work, etc.

  • People Give Love

Love is one other commodity of so much value and the only way to get that is through people. People are the reasons why we have different emotions which include love. We want to love and be loved. True, we may love our pets or our jobs but the beauty of love is in the ability to give it and receive it and this why people are most valuable.

  • People Celebrate With Us

There is a time for everything, this is what is said in the Bible. Imagine you just won a huge lottery, or you just gave birth, it’s your graduation ceremony or you just won a competition and there is no one to celebrate with, will all the money or raw materials do. We need people to celebrate with us, and the reason why is that people do not have premeditated actions when they celebrate- this is what is referred to as a jolly. Those moments of celebration with people should be of the utmost value to you because when you win, it is not just for you but for people.

  • People Mourn With Us

Just like when people celebrate with us, they also mourn with us. The reason why we can get through some of the worst times of our lives is that we had strategic persons who were positioned in our lives. Our spouse, mothers, best friends, families, colleagues, etc. You need people to grieve, empathize, sympathize and mourn with you.

  • People Live With Us

The man was not created to live in isolation, this is why we have people everywhere. Male, female, boys, girls, children, elderly, nurses, doctors, lawyers, musicians, caterers, laundrymen, doormen, linguists, etc. You live with people; how will they not be of most value to you?

  • People Help Us

Everyone is in need of one sort of help or the other. The truth is whatever gift; talent or resources we have been blessed with is for us to use it as an instrument in helping others. When we help, we trade what is of value to us for what is of the utmost value – people. We trade our time, love and other resources.

  • People Save Us

In times when we are in need of salvation, the universe sends us a savior in the form of a person or people. We have often referred to people as our angels or knights in shining armor. Even the religions we believe in projects our saviors as persons e.g. Jesus the messiah of the Christians.

  • People Comfort Us

People comfort us, whether by creating the instrument for our comfort or providing for it or better still bring it. To say if you are comfortable or not, you need people i.e. another way of living, services provided, etc. even in the not so good times, you need the comfort of the people you have a relationship with.

  • People Are Our Competition

Some may try to determine what our biggest competition is? Like every other species, humans have a survival mentality. Right from your birth, you have to survive and the competition is hot. The take-home package is that without these competitions you would never know what you are capable of and overcome your biggest competition- YOURSELF.

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  • People Make or Break Us

While we attest to the fact that people are our most valuable commodity, it is eminent to state that the value of people is such that they have the power to either make or break us. People talk, encourage as well as discourage. The instrumentality for such is both their words and actions. This is why you ought to have the right sets of people around you.

  • People Tell Us Who We Are

We need people to tell us who we are. This begins when they call us by our names, attest to the facts that we are of value. How we are treated by people, what they do to us tells us how much we mean to them and society.

Why Should You Trade What You Have For The Most Valuable Commodity?

The paramount reason why you should trade what you have for the most valuable commodity which is ‘people’ is because people can get you all you need. This is one of those abstract things. Everything you think you ever want or is of most value to you is only a material devoid of emotions. The reason why people can give you everything you need is because of how they were created; they can meet even the needs of your soul.

Although the services of humans are being replaced with advanced technology, there is something these machines lack, a mind and emotions. People are like another version of you, that is why they are most valuable.

Don’t you find it funny that people may pay huge amounts for someone to make them laugh and such one is called a comedian? Or someone to beautify their faces and it is called makeup? The service is valuable but the person is most valuable.

How Do You Treat The Most Valuable Commodity?

The best way to treat the most valuable commodity on earth is RESPECT. It is said that ‘respect is reciprocal’. You have to respect people, with respect is embedded love, the act of cherishing, giving, helping, honesty and every other value. This is why the law of karma is efficient. When you respect people, you treat them rightly and in turn, you get the best from them.

Things You Need to Know When Dealing With People

  • People will always be people
  • You need people but you ought to be independent too
  • No one owes you anything
  • Not everyone is bad
  • Don’t judge people
  • Respect people
  • Honor, love and cherish people
  • People will make or break you but the decision is yours
  • Respect the rights of others
  • Fight for people, there is not a greater cause
  • People may disappoint you but that is being human
  • People can be difficult yet loving
  • Celebrate with people
  • Whatever ever you dish out to people you also get back
  • People may define you but the ultimate power is yours
  • Value people
  • Appreciate people

Rather than seeing the negative sides of people, treat them as your most valuable on earth. Trade what you have for them.

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