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5 Math Formulas Behind Successful Relationships

5 Math Formulas Behind Successful Relationships

5 ways to have a successful relationship
The Math Behind Successful Relationships
  1. Do not be needy or insecure
  2. Know how to reciprocate
  3. Love your partner as yourself
  4. Spend quality time with your partner
  5. Do not cheat

This world is changing every day, and it isn’t for the better. A wise man once said that the only place you see true love these days is on TV. Everyone is looking for what they can get from you, you see a man or a lady asking what does he/she bring to the table? No more dating because you love this person so much, and you just want to be with them for the rest of your life. The internet is so full of fake people faking to love each other so much on camera, that sometimes it makes others jealous and weepy. Why can’t my relationship be so sweet and cute? Why can’t my partner be like that man?

Stop dreaming girl. Most of that stuff isn’t real and you’re just going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep thinking like that. Calm down and join me to access this situation critically. I did a lot of brainstorming and a lot of spying into people’s relationships (in a legal manner). I realized there is no math behind successful relationships, it is all common sense really. I came up with five great ways to have a successful relationship.

Do Not Be Needy Or Insecure

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It is at that time when the love between you and that person is burning hot that you really need to not be clingy and needy. We know you love him/her so much but trust me, it is alright if he leaves you in bed to go take a shower, it is alright if friends and family eat into some of your “romantic” time.

You just have to take a deep breath and realize your partner needs his own private time, give your girl some time to miss you. What do they say? Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Give your partner a little distance and see how your relationship blossoms and looks new with every passing day. Last year, I met a couple who have perfected the act of giving themselves some “me” time. I asked them how long they’ve been together and they said they have been together for five years. Both of them looked so shocked that they had spent so much time being together without even realizing it.

The human mind is one that easily gets over-familiar with repetitions. When you hold on too tight to your partner’s time then things will get boring very fast. Allow your partner to spend time with friends and family, he won’t leave you, on the contrary, they will come to love you even more.

Insecurity is another cause of many failed relationships. It is not every time you see your man talking to another woman that you go over and place your own tag over his neck. It is not proper to ask your girlfriend the name, length of relationship and family history of every male that calls her. Oh ladies, must you check your guy’s phone for incriminating messages?

There are more important things to do than hiring a private investigator to follow your partner everywhere because you have a gut feeling that he/she is cheating. Try to live your own life, develop yourself and get busy with important things. Slowly you will discover that you do not care so much anymore. Trust yourself and your partner enough to keep your sanity.

This is not to say you cannot ask questions when you think things are amiss, that is well within your rights but know this, insecurity will only hurt both of you, and send your relationship quicker to its grave. Sometimes you might have a partner with a personality disorder and think he/she is just insecure.

Be smart enough to know when things are getting extreme, and lovingly advise your partner to see a therapist, and go with him/her if they allow it. Remember, developing yourself, getting something to do, and talking to your partner are great ways to ensure you feel less insecure in a relationship.

Know How To Reciprocate in a Relationship

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Relationships die when one partner thinks he/she is doing too much without the other partner’s contribution. If your man buys you flowers and expensive gifts, it is only right that you get him something too. If your lady or your wife does the same thing or if she is the one who takes care of cleaning and cooking the meals, it is only right that you help her.

People love to see that you are also putting in the effort to make things work. No one likes to feel they are being taken for a fool.

This world is a busy one, everyone has to work hard to make ends meet yet, that man takes time off from work and clears space in his busy schedule to take you out for lunch. You know that and yet, on these special times when he calls, you say you’re out with the girls or resting, or something trivial, and you expect him to be happy about it. That’s not fair. When you see someone is trying so hard to make you happy, do stuff that will make them happy too.

Take him out, help her with the chores and the kids. Reciprocating shows love and love is the fire that keeps relationships warm. In a long-distance relationship, reciprocating is particularly important because both partners are at high alert for any signs of drifting apart and whatnot.

The slightest sign of one kiss emoji less than the one you sent yesterday and great doubts will begin to surface. Lol. So keep reciprocating, you cannot afford to lose that beautiful person.

Love Your Partner As Yourself

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I know a man who asked his girlfriend (rather nicely) to leave her job and travel with him to another state so he could pursue his career. According to him, his job would make more money for them and he preferred her waiting for him to come back home every day. The lady in question agreed and they were married two years later. You might not be so lucky though, so don’t risk it.

Asking your partner to get off the chair so you can sit on it is just plain rude. So is asking him to do something for you when you know in your heart that if you were put in the same situation you would not do it.

We know it is sometimes hard not to take advantage of people who love us so much but we should always try to defeat the impulse. He/she might seem fine with it now, but they might not be tomorrow.

What happens when they start asking themselves why they gave all of themselves to you? What happens when his plans fail and you start regretting your decision to sacrifice? While doing stuff for your partner, think about yourself too. The bottom line is, to truly love someone, you have to first love yourself.

See Also

Spend Quality Time With Your Partner

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Quality time doesn’t always mean an expensive time. Lol. We ladies love all the glitz and glamour of wearing an expensive dress and having dinner at an expensive restaurant. Yet we cannot deny that we make the best memories just lying on the grass, and talking while the stars watch over us. Laughing and talking with your partner will create more solid bonds than that dinner date.

The comfort of your lover’s arms around you is what you’ll never forget, even when you are out of the relationship. Talk, sing together, play together. These are ways to ensure your relationship lasts. No one wants to endure relationships these days.

Everyone wants to be with someone who makes them happy. If you don’t, they’ll be on their merry way. Quality time reduces the tendency of relationship collapse. It helps you know when your partner is upset about something and how you can fix it.

For women like us, spending quality time with our partner gives us that feeling of being in a stable relationship and it brightens our whole world. Let your partner know you care and will always be there for them. Why do people enter relationships? If not for the companionship, and the comfort of having a shoulder to cry on, and lean on whenever you need it.

Do Not Cheat

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No one has ever been able to answer the question of why people cheat in a relationship. The reason is that cheats will always give reasons for their massive mess up. How can you be in a relationship and you expect your partner to put up with your cheating ass just because he loves you? Why are you running around with all those ladies and you want your girl to understand?

You cannot say you love someone and yet you continually do the very thing that hurts them. If you’re a ladies man, you can change. The only thing stopping you from changing is YOU. If you’re a lady who attracts and continually strives to keep the attention of men while you’re in a relationship then you need a wake-up call. That man or woman isn’t going to sit around forever, waiting for you to come to your senses. Do something about that nasty attitude and try to gain your partner’s trust again.


When your relationship is a priority you will do anything to make it work. Try to curb neediness and insecurity while reciprocating actions of love. Love yourself enough to love your partner and not make unwise decisions. Spend quality time with your partner to strengthen the foundations of your relationship and keep the fire of love burning. Most importantly, do not cheat on your partner.

Cheating on your partner and making them think they weren’t enough for you is worse than ending the relationship in the most amicable manner. Do not forget to develop yourself so you become a person worthy of love and worthy of the best and most successful relationship. Stay Well.

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