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Sporadic Shooting in Thailand: Thai Soldier Goes On A Shooting Rampage; Suspect At Large

Sporadic Shooting in Thailand: Thai Soldier Goes On A Shooting Rampage; Suspect At Large

There has allegedly been a report of a shooting rampage in Thailand, leaving at least 17 persons dead and 20 injured. The suspect is identified as Jakraphanth Thomma, a junior officer in the city of Nakhon Ratchasima, also known as Korat.

Image Source: BBC News

BBC News reports that the suspect opened fire at a Buddhist temple and at a shopping center in the city, north-east of Bangkok. Video footage from a shop reveals the suspect opening fire at a group of persons. The suspect had reportedly stolen an army vehicle.

The whereabouts of the suspect are unknown and he is still at large. However, there seems to be a post on his social media accounts, recorded to be uploaded at the time of the shooting rampage. His post uploaded on his Facebook shows the suspect asking if he should turn himself in.

Reports from BBC news reveals that Thomma had posted earlier an image of a pistol with three sets of bullets. The image was uploaded with the caption “It is time to get excited”.

Image Source: Facebook

The police have sealed off the location of the shooting and are trying to track down the suspect who is reported, inside the building. There is a claim that hostages rarely go to the shopping center.

The motives of the suspect are still unclear. We believe he may be suffering from a psychological condition, trauma or is unwell. He is supposed to be protecting the people and not killing them. The police should find out the true motive and get him to help if he needs it.

The police have advised civilians to stay home. We advise mothers to keep their children off the streets.

Thailand is one of the countries where a lot of people own guns. In the last decade, there has been news of killings and shooting rampage. This gun ownership may be an issue for the government.

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Image Source: Pixabay

Also recently in Thailand is the first case of the SARS-like virus linked to China. The outbreak was found in Thailand. A woman carrying a mysterious virus was quarantined in Thailand. The patient who was said to have carried a new form of the coronavirus had traveled from the central Chinese city of Wuhan. 41 persons have been infected in an outbreak on Wuhan and it is believed to be linked to Coronavirus.

Bangkok, the city’s capital was on the verge of closing its borders due to the fear of the spread of the Coronavirus. The spread of such will greatly affect Thailand as millions of Chinese travel in and out of the country in a year. Although, the reaction to the epidemic has digressed from panic to preparation.

Thailand has one epidermic already to contain, now, a gunman is added to the list.

Image Source: Pixabay

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