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Gossips Health How-to News

Social Media in View

According to Aristotle, humans are social animals. It is for this singular fact that people have the natural tendency to socialise. In this context, to socialise basically means to interact with others.…


Benefits of the Pine Tree

Over the years, it has been proven that in order to move forward, the best way to go is back. Yeah, back to nature. Everything we need is in nature. While some…

Mental Illness: A Recourse or A Disease?

Mental Illness: A Recourse or A Disease? According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) “Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking, behavior or a combination of these . Mental…


A Fast Changing World, Really???

Over the centuries, the global culture has changed. From fashion to music, education, technology, the changes were inevitable. Some would say “the PAST is the PAST” but we all know how a…

All You Need to Know About Botox Injections.

Everyone dreams of staying young forever but unfortunately every living thing has an expiry date. Apart from the virility and exuberance that comes with being young, looking young is also a major…

How To Deal With Boredom

How to deal with boredom is a question many people ask but don’t have the answers to, even till today. Boredom is the state of feeling disinterested in one’s surroundings; having nothing…