Natural Skin Care Remedies: 6 Ultimate Natural DIY Skin Care Recipes

Many if not all of us love our skins, don’t we? But many a time, we do not know how to express the love we feel. (Well, not just our skin though. Many other things in fact. But let’s focus on skin today, okay?)
The skin is so sensitive and encounters so many problems ranging from acne to eczema, scars and just you name it. In fact, the skin is in a constant battle. So what must you do to wage war and win against the enemies of your skin? What won’t you give to make your skin glow?
There are so many myths that tend to give off the notion that our skins cannot get the proper treats they deserve. Take, for instance, income. By the time the money comes in and we draw up the budget? Phew! The thought for the skin is sometimes pushed to the last item on the list, if not out of it completely.
Other times, by the time you visit the cosmetic shops and they state the prices for many of the skincare products, there is a temptation to just give up and say, “Alright! When we blow…” 😉
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But truth be told, we do not need millions of currency notes before we can pamper our skins and keep them healthy. So, not to worry. Before you get all tensed up and unhappy, here are some relatively cheap ways to give your skin that superb glow. Actually, these natural skin care remedies are living right next to you. Right there in your kitchen. Are you ready to find out?
With the variety of canned drinks and whatnot at our beck and call, the need to drink sufficient water has become relatively underemphasized. Really, what is the first thing you crave when you get thirsty? A glass of water or a glass of soda? I really hope it is the water you choose over any other liquid. The reason being that hydration is key to healthy skin.
Do you know that a full-grown human body is made up of sixty percent of water? The blood itself contains ninety percent of water. In fact, to say that water is beneficial is an understatement. It is essential. You do not need to get thirsty before you drink water. While you must also not over hydrate yourself, you should avoid being dehydrated.
Water is essential to the body in a whole lot of ways. It is the best drink anyone can take. It is a miracle that the skin, which is the largest organ in the body, needs to be detoxified. Since it is the perfect hydrant, it improves skin tone and gives the skin a younger look.
Still, it could get quite tiring to ingest so much water. Thus, you may choose to add lemon, ginger, honey, mint, and other natural and healthy products to flavor and spice up your water so as to keep that skin of yours supple and attractive.
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2. Carrots
When you see those carrots neatly piled up and looking like they are beckoning on you, what do you do? Do you stop to get a piece of the action or do you just walk by like it is none of your business? Well, I am here to tell you that it is very much your skin’s business. Here’s why.
In case you do not know, carrots are rich in nutrients and contain vitamins and fiber. They are also very low in calories. Carrots greatly improve the way your skin looks. Vitamin C is known to contain healing properties and this you can find in carrots.
So carrots are the answer you have been looking for if those scars annoy you each and every time you see them on your skin. Also, carrots contain beta-carotene which battles skin inflammation. In other words, carrots will battle that acne for you.
3. Alum
You are surprised, right? 😂😂😂 Well, don’t be. Actually, where I come from, alum is mainly used for washing off the slime from snails. But beyond that, it has far more purposes than you probably know. One of those numerous purposes that you are probably realizing only now is that it is good for your skin.
Because of its stiffening property, alum has the power to tighten and whiten skin. It eliminates excess oil from the skin and causes it to shrink thereby reducing scars to the barest minimum. It is also a very effective aftershave solution.
4. Garlic
Many of us hate the smell, but it is very good too especially for battling that age-long enemy called acne. Garlic has gained ground for many years as a highly medicinal product that eliminates bacteria, fungi, and germs generally.
Garlic is instrumental in blood circulation and also helps to prevent skin inflammation. Garlic is high in vitamins, minerals, and other properties that help clear the skin by reducing the appearance of pores and stretch marks.
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5. Pawpaw (Papaya)
Pawpaw is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and is thus perfect for your skin. Pawpaw is a natural exfoliation product. It eliminates dead skin cells and rejuvenates the skin. It keeps your skin hydrated and gives it the glow.
It is also good for treating wounds and sores and eliminates blemishes since it is another rich source of vitamin C which we have already established is a powerful healing property.
Pawpaw also makes your skin light and bright. And because of its rich water content, it keeps your skin moisturized. Wrinkles will steer clear from your skin when you adopt pawpaw in your diet. It also improves skin elasticity.
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6. Sugar Scrub
Instead of continuously ingesting high amounts of sugar which can be harmful to your skin and health from within, how about choosing the most effective sugar use which is topical application.
Sugar scrub is a do it yourself (DIY) remedy that provides amazing benefits to your skin. Sugar is gentle on the skin and is effective for soothing delicate skin. It helps with exfoliation and generates the naturally soft and beautiful skin hidden beneath. You can joyfully bid acne goodbye.
Another beautiful thing about the sugar scrub is that it does not rid your skin of moisture. On the contrary, it leaves it beautifully hydrated. You should also note that white sugar is best for your sugar scrub solution because of the little particles it contains.
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Natural and organic remedies have us making the move back to them. The natural goodness of the things we can find around us is now being tapped into above synthetic and chemical applications. There are so many benefits to using organic methods.
One beautiful thing to note about most of the products that have been mentioned above is that they are available all year round. All the above may either be ingested or applied topically depending on your preference and what works for you.
Conclusively, you should keep in mind that it is never too early to begin taking care of your skin. As you begin and continue in the practice of pampering your skin, you are sure to reap the benefits as you age. I hope you have not forgotten after all that, “health is wealth”?
Every shard of her rests heavily on Afrocentrism which she strives to depict vividly in stories drawn from the ecstatic heritage of the African spirit. She delivers these little draughts of bliss to keep the toes on their tips and imprint deeply. She steers the eyes towards the speck in the seemingly unsullied.