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5 Hidden Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

5 Hidden Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

  1. Eat Healthy and Cooked Meals
  2. Avoid Stress
  3. Doing Regular Exercise
  4. Sleep Every Time You Get The Chance To
  5. Age and Immunity

The immune system is undoubtedly one of our biggest and strongest inbuilt allies in our body. These tiny bits of proactive soldiers are usually on the frontline against disease-causing microorganisms. The immune system is like a personalized army that guards and successfully invades against germs, and potentially harmful pathogens like viruses and bacteria. While the immune system is basically set up to defend, it does not function independently without its co-dependence on a healthy body. It is usually a synchronized harmony of bodily function and general defense.

To best protect your body from harm, there are some vital things to note in order to improve, revitalize, and keep those immunes freshened continuously. If these guidelines are followed judiciously, you might just help stave off foreign illnesses and diseases every day.

With and before the outbreak of the novel Corv-Sars-2 a lot of medical practitioners and health advisers have noted the need to systematically build up every individual’s immune system as a form of a personalized army to help ward off harmful viruses. This has prompted several bizarre reactions amongst several individuals in the society like the sales and increased cost of immunity-boosting supplements. These supplements have become the hottest on-demand products that have skyrocketed within a short period of time. Including but not excluded to Zinc, vitamin-c, and multivitamins. As there is no cure for the virus, people have generally opted for other options that are bound to ‘improve their immune’.

Our immune system requires more than just pills, broccoli, and vitamin C to be healthy. While these are important, it is not the only alternative.

Some of these disease-causing-pathogens enter the body via the food we eat, the water we drink, and through the air we breathe. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt a healthy lifestyle and rest routine. Avoid inhaling harmful fumes like smoke and gas, and generally avoid pollutants in order to improve your immune system.

Below are some non-food alternatives to building your immune system:

1. Eat Healthy And Properly Cooked Meals

Like any other part of the body, the immune system relies heavily on the type of food that is consumed in order to reinforce its security. The immune system army marches on the stomach, and to remain healthy, it relies heavily on good, well-cooked, and nourished meals to Prevent infectious disease.

According to Healthline, scientists have proven that people who live in malnourished, poverty, and unhealthy environments are more liable to vulnerable diseases.

When you eat healthy, fresh, and properly balanced meals, your immune system is bound to have a better fighting chance than those who don’t.

According to EverydayHealth, spices like cloves, thyme & cinnamon, can potentially boost your immunity level. Proteins, vitamins A, C, E, B6, B12, red peppers, zinc, copper, iron, and folate also helps to keep you healthy too.

The best summary is that eating healthy meals will go a long way to improve your vitality and keep your immune system active and ready.

2. Avoid Stress

The body and mind are more intertwined than you think. The mind has the ability to send and alter performing systems in your body when faced with unlikely and equally stressful conditions.

HealthHarvard puts it that stress is difficult to measure in quantifiable objective terms. For starters, what might appear stressful to one might not have the same effect on the other. When the body begins to show certain stress indicators like increased heartbeat rates, or general body overwork, Chances are that your immune system may be running low.

Stress can be caused by a lot of environmental and emotional factors like a school thesis, toxic work environment, strained relationship with family and friends, and so much more. It is imperative and advisable to stay off stress-prone exposure, and in the case, you’re already stressed, avoiding further stress-enablers may help in the long run.

3. Doing Regular Exercises

Regular exercises, like good food, is one of those necessities to having a great body. Maintaining a healthy weight and Exercising consistently increases the chances of healthy living, and according to healthyharvard, it helps improve cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases. When you’ve got a healthy and fit body, your vitals are bound to look just as healthy too. The simple hack to having a healthy body structure is the same life hack that works with eating well. You need to be fit both externally and internally to be able to boost your body immune.

4. Sleep Every Time You Get The Chance To

Getting adequate sleep will help keep your body revitalized and healthy while reinforcing your immune system. Your body heals and regenerates when you sleep well. When you don’t sleep, your body is unable to heal itself, and this will definitely affect your immunity. If you’re unable to sleep because you’ve got a lot of work that inhibits sleep, then start small. Consciously take out 5 – 6 hours of sordid sleep to rest, rejuvenate, and build up your system.

5. Age And Immunity

As you grow older, your immune response capability may naturally diminish drastically. While some people may age healthily than others, studies have proven over time that compared with younger people, the elderly are more likely to contract infections and diseases due to low nutritional levels. As you age, your immune system loses its resilience against stronger infections.

HealthHarvard states that “No one knows for sure why this happens, but some scientists observe that this increased risk correlates with a decrease in T cells, possibly from the thymus atrophying with age and producing fewer T cells to fight off infection. Whether this decrease in thymus function explains the drop in T cells or whether other changes play a role is not fully understood.”

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Other Things You Can Do To Boost Your Immunity

  • Breathe in clean air
  • Take moderate alcohol if necessary
  • Don’t smoke
  • Stay physically active
  • Practice good hygiene
  • Go outdoors sometimes.

Foods That Improve Your Immune System

If you’re looking to avoid infections like common flu and colds, then you need to include these immune system boosters in your meal plan.

  • Eggs

Eggs are even more nutritional than you think! Although they are known to increase cholesterol levels, Harvard scientists have proven that eggs do not increase cholesterol levels at all. On the contrary, eating one egg per day has been scientifically proven to wield several health benefits. Eggs are known to contain lutein and antibodies that fight off illnesses while building white blood cells. Eggs also have amino acids, zinc, and B-vitamins.


  • Garlic

Garlic contains a sulfur-based compound, antiviral and antibiotic properties that keep your body free of infection.

  • Ginger

Ginger for the longest time has become renowned for its potency against viruses. Ginger protects your body against harmful toxins.

  • Yoghurt

Yogurts help to boost your immune system especially as they contain vitamin D. People who take yogurt regularly are bound to have stronger immunes than those who don’t.

  • Pepper

One pepper is renowned to contain 200mg or more of vitamin-C than an orange provides. Red bell peppers contain 3 times as much vitamin C which is good for the immune system as well as the skin.

  • Vegetables And Fruits

Including pineapples, bananas, apples, waterleaf e.t.c.

  • Green Tea
  • Fresh beef and fish

How Can I Tell If My Immune System Is Weak?

You can easily tell if your immune system is weak and needs revitalization if you’re able to answer these questions honestly.

  • How often do I eat healthy and properly cooked meals in a day?
  • Do I have a stable body exercise plan?
  • How many times do I eat in a day?
  • Do I eat only canned food and paltry snacks
  • Do I drink enough water?
  • What’s my balanced diet plan for the week?
  • Do I have a monthly diet plan?
  • How regularly do I eat fruits?
  • Are my meals cooked with the right amount of vegetables and pepper?
  • How many hours of sleep do I get every day?
  • Do I get enough sleep?
  • Does my skin have an admirable glow?
  • Do I look unhealthy?

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