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Hilarious Tweets About Failed New Year Resolutions That Will Definitely Make Your Day

Hilarious Tweets About Failed New Year Resolutions That Will Definitely Make Your Day

2021 Just Began, But These People Have Hilariously Failed Their New Year Resolutions

Welcome to 2021! It’s a new year, and for most individuals, new year’s are for setting new plans, and most importantly new resolutions to do better for themselves.

While it still makes a lot of sense to measure your achievements towards reaching your resolution, we all know that half the time, before it’s even mid-January, a lot of individuals would have lost track and forgotten about their resolutions.

There’s a lot of research to prove these arguments. However, these tweets would help you laugh at the irony of individuals who have already failed their resolution even before the start of the year.

Come along, let’s have some fun!

“Not even midnight but I’ve already broken three of my new year’s resolutions, and two of the ten (10) commandments!!!”

~~Jo _caulfield

“I woke up this morning and broke my new year’s resolution to spend less time on my phone.”


“Wow already broke my new year’s resolution which was to not spend 92 dollars on a single Uber ride.”

~~Food 4 life

“My New Year’s Resolution was to lose some weight…

It lasted ten seconds…

I ate an entire party sub instead”


“One of my resolutions was to avoid drama and I’m pretty certain you broke this around 00:02 on 1/1/ 21 oops!”


“Most people’s New Year resolution is to stop procrastination. Starting next week.”

~~Hillary bamulinde

“Love how I’ve already failed my singular New Year’s resolution of going to bed at a reasonable hour as it is 5:30 am.”


“This year I will be a good boy and not my usual sarcastic self. that was my new year resolution but I failed miserably at 12.01.”

~~Richie Moore

“Promised my new year resolution was to stop getting so angry, day one and I’ve failed already.”


“Don’t normally do New Year’s resolutions, but this year I’ve decided mine will be to try and control my emotions when it comes to stupid people. I can’t help but hate nearly everyone. I’ve been awake 5 minutes and I’ve failed already… Happy new year”

~~Dan Gladwell

“My New Year’s Resolution was to, for once, not get peeved by illegal fireworks late at night.

If anybody has any other ideas, I’m open to them. Because I failed that remarkably quick.”

~~Professor Lucas Owens I

“Been 15 minutes in 2021 and I already failed 20 of my New Year resolutions.”


“I failed! One of my new year’s resolutions was to never use TikTok.”

~~Ruben Micro-Frontends

“Last year my new year’s resolution was not to shop again. I failed this time. Wala Na Talaga.”


“People talking about how they didn’t get any of their new year’s resolutions. My only one was to not be single all year. I failed. LMAO!”


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“Already making my (immediately broken) new year’s resolution to be more low and mellow.”


“I made a New year’s resolution to not make a new year’s resolution. It takes the pressure off early because by making that resolution I’ve already broken it.”


“It’s funny that my new year’s resolution of cooking 1 dish from each of my cookbooks per month already failed this month.”


“Funny how it’s only one day into the new year, and I already failed with my resolution.”


“Funny thing….I made a new year’s resolution to work out more this year, and have completely failed.”


“Just had a funny text from a friend, reminding me of new year’s resolutions we made two years ago! We kinda failed but spectacularly.”


“My new year’s resolution was to write at least 17 funny tweets per day this year. So far, I’ve broken it 17 and a half times.”


“Do you know what’s funny? My new year resolution was to not be late anywhere and I haven’t needed to be anywhere at all so I’m counting this as a WIN.”


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