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Happy Children’s Day 2024: 5 Charitable Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day

Happy Children’s Day 2024: 5 Charitable Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day

Ways to celebrate children's day

This weekend is National Children’s Day. Amusement parks, arcades, cinemas and malls around the country are going to be packed full of kids having fun. And why not, it is a special day to celebrate the innocence, joy, and well-being of children worldwide. But, in all that excitement let’s not forget the kids who do not have the means to enjoy themselves.

If you are looking for a different way to celebrate Children’s Day this year and maybe even teach your kids about empathy and compassion, well you can spend it giving back. Here are five charitable ways to spend Children’s Day weekend.

  • Throw a Party for an Orphanage
  • Share Food and Drinks to Children on the Streets
  • Give to a Charity for Children
  • Volunteer with a Children’s Charity
  • Sponsor Someone’s Education

5 Charitable Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day in 2024

1. Throw a Party for an Orphanage
Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day

Most orphanages will celebrate that day but not all of them can afford to or to show the kids a good time. So you can go to the closest one to you with some food, drinks and music. Make it a party and put a smile on their faces. Happy Children’s Day!

2. Share Food and Drinks to Children on the Streets
5 Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day

Another great way to spend this children’s day weekend giving back is to cook or buy food to share with the kids on the street.

Statistics say, more than 80 million African children lack access to healthy shelter, and 16 million of these children are living on the streets. It is estimated that in Lagos, Nigeria there are over 100,000 homeless children.

Going out this weekend to give a meal to them may not seem like much to you but it would give them a day without an empty belly and put a smile on a child’s face.

3. Give to a Charity for Children
Happy Children's Day 2024: 5 Charitable Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day

Make a donation on Children’s Day to Children centered charity to support their programs and initiatives. Involve your children in the decision-making process and explain how their contribution can make a difference in the lives of less privileged children. Encourage them to save a portion of their pocket money to donate regularly, nurturing a habit of giving from an early age.

4. Volunteer with a Children’s Charity
Happy Children's Day 2024: 5 Charitable Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day

An impactful way to celebrate Children’s Day is by volunteering at a local children’s shelter or orphanage. Spend time interacting with the children, organizing activities, or simply lending a listening ear. By sharing your time and attention, you can bring smiles to their faces and create lasting memories.

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5. Sponsor a Child’s Education
how to Celebrate Children’s Day

The theme of Children’s Day in Nigeria this year is “Investing in our future means investing in our children”. So, take this as an opportunity to invest in someone’s children. Use these Children’s Day as motivation to support an underprivileged child by donating money for their education. Many foundations allow you to sponsor a child and keep tabs on their progress.

Children’s Day provides a wonderful occasion to engage children in charitable activities. By involving them in acts of giving, we can instill in them the values of generosity and social responsibility from a young age. Using these amazing memories to shape them into caring people. Happy National Children’s Day! 🥳

All images are sourced from pexels

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