
World War Three The Fate Of Women

World War Three: The Fate Of Women

With World War III news trending on the internet, everyone is on their toes wondering what will happen next. America’s fight with Iran has so many people scared and asking will World…

Why Trump Was Impeached – A Concerned Woman’s Perspective

As Trump’s impeachment hits us like a sudden blow we begin to wonder, is the United States developing a taste for impeaching presidents? Donald Trump is the third United States president to…


Social Media in View

According to Aristotle, humans are social animals. It is for this singular fact that people have the natural tendency to socialise. In this context, to socialise basically means to interact with others.…


A Fast Changing World, Really???

Over the centuries, the global culture has changed. From fashion to music, education, technology, the changes were inevitable. Some would say “the PAST is the PAST” but we all know how a…