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America Got Talent: Predictions For The Finals

America Got Talent: Predictions For The Finals

Hi guys. The America Got Talents show is here again. Lots of amazing acts showcasing their abilities. The talent this year is really massive. Singers, dancers, magicians, e.t.c. If you are watching, you probably have your favorites already. If you aren’t watching for some reason, you might change your mind.


As for me, I am here to be a faux judge, giving my opinion and sending my favorites to the finals because they deserve it. Out of all the acts that performed for the semi-finals, I most preferred the performances of just five persons/groups.


  1. Waffle Dance Crew
  2. Bad Salsa Group
  3. Daneliya
  4. Cristina Rae
  5. The Daredevil


Here is why!


1.Waffle Dance crew

These boys have all the talent and energy you could ask for. The way they share the spotlight is awesome. It highlights their individual strengths and differences. Their use of setting and props is purely artistic and whimsical! It is one thing to dance, it is another to have litefeet! I can bet my money on these ones. They’re good and deserve to be in the finals!

Video: twitter


2. Bad Salsa Group

This group!!! They are so good. Personally, I have a soft spot for Indian dances. Thank you. But these ones raise the bar to the sky. The energy they gave off had me sitting up in my chair. These two dancers are stars. I kept worrying about her. Would she fall? How is she so flexible?

The speed of the dance steps, all of them running into each other, faster than my mind could process. Absolutely beautiful! The background, the colors! I love it so much. I could bet my money on them! The finals!

Video: twitter


3. Daneliya

“It’s okay not to be okay. Just be true to who you are” This song by Jessie J hit me somewhere low. We all know times are hard now and most people are struggling to get their lives in order. Daneliya sang this song to us as a gift. Her full rich voice, her outfit, and her superb performance. She also looks like an angel, amplifying the beauty of her voice. If I was being true to myself, I would say I totally loved Daneliya’s performance and I wish her the very best! To the finals!

Video: twitter


4. Cristina Rae

Cynthia Erivos Jump. Another song to lift our hearts in these times. Her vocals were top notch. Control and strength were perfect. She sang with a beautiful smile on her face! The background made everything look surreal because she seemed to be standing on a body of water. I smiled all through her performance.

Her stage presence was fire! At one point, when she spread her arms I thought she was going to fly! Black power! She made me so proud and yes, she deserves to be in the finals!

Video: twitter

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Tems’ BET Award


5. The Daredevil


Okay. When I started watching, I was like duh. I have watched too many episodes of Deception to get scared when I see someone do stunts like this. The show kind of killed off lots of the mystery for me lol. Yet! When he said he was going to be holding onto the ropes with his teeth!! I can barely cut meat properly with mine. The total control he had on his body weight and the suspense made the performance a superb one. I got frantic at some point like move your ass! You’re going to fall!


I’m glad he didn’t anyway. On to the finals!


If you love them too, say a prayer for them and make sure you vote! By the way, who and what do you think will emerge winner/winners?


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