All You Need to Know About Botox Injections.

Everyone dreams of staying young forever but unfortunately every living thing has an expiry date. Apart from the virility and exuberance that comes with being young, looking young is also a major desire of most human beings, especially women.
Which forty year old person wouldn’t want to look as he or she did twenty years ago?
I don’t think that person has been born yet.
While this venture is not entirely possible as every living thing tends to age with time, science has managed to convince us with evident proofs that there are indeed other ways to achieve this youthful look.
And this is where BOTOX comes in!
What is Botox?
Botox is short for botulinum toxin, a neurotoxic protein which is one of the most poisonous substances known to man. This toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Scientists have even estimated that a single gram of this toxin can kill one million people and a few kilograms would wipe out the entire population on planet earth.
The bacterium can also be found in the intestinal tracts of mammals and fish and in the gills and organs of crabs and other shellfish. Such naturally occurring instances of Clostridium botulinum bacteria and spores are generally harmless. Problems only arise when the spores transform into vegetative cells and the cell population increases. At a certain point, the bacteria begin producing botulinum toxin, the deadly neurotoxin responsible for botulism.
The neurotoxic protein, botulinum toxin is in fact very toxic as it is responsible for a life threatening form of food poisoning. Now, don’t get scared. The effects of this toxin vary according to the amount administered and the type of exposure. This is why when Botox is not administered by a certified professional, things could go south very fast.
Botox as a cosmetic treatment is administered in small, targeted doses using sterilised injections.
Is botox safe?
Like all medical procedures, there definitely exists some side effects in the use of the treatment but over the years, it is safe to say that botox is safe when administered properly.
Although it’s major component is a deadly compound, when administered in the correct doses which are usually very small, botox can be very effect.
In fact, over the years, the majority of the cosmetic accidents recorded were as a result of underlying factors triggered by the injection and not necessarily the injection itself.
In fact, only 36 casesTrusted Source of adverse effects associated with cosmetic use were reported to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1989 and 2003. Thirteen of these cases may have had more to do with an underlying condition than with the drug itself.
The only way botox could go wrong is when it is administered by a novice or a quack in which case the correct dosage and application might be overlooked thereby leading to long term diseases or even death.
Overall, the risks in a botox injection are minimal and therefore, it is considered safe.
Is botox advisable?
If your goal is looking young forever, then of course botox is the way to go!
This is because botox is more affordable than other cosmetic treatments which are usually surgical in nature, so you can be young again without breaking the bank.
With botox also, there are less risks and temporary side effects.
What are the uses of botox injections?
There are two major uses of botox injections and they are;
The most common use of botox is in cosmetic treatment. This treatment aims to reduce the fine lines, creases and wrinkles evident in a person’s face as a result of the aging process.
After being applied in the correct dosage to the targeted area, a significant reduction in muscle contraction which leads to all these creases is expected. In most cases, botox treatments are said to make the patient look 10 to 20 years younger.
Botox is also used by medical personnel to treat various medical conditions and some of those therapeutic applications for which botulinum toxin is approved are as follows;
- Eyelids spasm ( Blepharospasm)
- Chronic migraine.
- Excessive sweating.
- Lazy eyes (crossed eyes).
- Overactive bladder.
- Severe neck and shoulder muscle spasms.
- Crow’s feet.
- Certain neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy.
How does botox work?
Botulinum toxin is administered by diluting the powder in saline and injecting it directly into neuromuscular tissue. It takes 24-72 hours for botulinum toxin to take effect. In very rare circumstances, it may take as long as 5 days for the full effect of botulinum toxin to be observed.
After the botulinum toxin is injected in the target area, it paralyzes the underlying muscles thereby making it hard for them to contract and produce wrinkles or creases. What it does is to block signals from your nerves to your muscles, thereby preventing your muscles from contracting and when your muscles don’t contract, it can ease certain muscular conditions and decrease the appearance of creases and wrinkles.
Neurotoxins, of which botulinum toxin is a good example, target the nervous system, disrupting the signaling processes that allow neurons to communicate effectively.
The advantages of botox injections
- After getting your botox injections, you will notice a significant reduction in the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines on your face. This is the major aim of botox injections in the first place. Everyone wants to stay young and beautiful and science has given us botox.
- Botox injections get to work fast. Unlike other anti aging treatments that require multiple applications before you begin to notice slight results, the results of botox injections have been known to appear almost instantly.
- Botox has been categorized as a non-invasive procedure which means that it doesn’t disrupt your plans. Getting your Botox injection does not mean you would have to drastically change your plans. It’s just like any other appointment on your schedule. Initially, the only real side effect you would find after getting your botox injection is the redness or slight irritation in the spot where you had the injection.
- Do you know you can even start your Botox treatment before you notice any significant changes in your skin? The treatment is said to be more effective as a preventive measure than as a curative attempt. Plastic surgeons even medically advised that using botox as a preventive measure is more effective.
- Like virtually every medical treatment, there are side effects to getting botox injections but the thing about this procedure is that it’s side effects are usually minimal and tend to last for a very short time. None of these side effects last longer than the time it takes for the botox to fade.
- While the prices may vary, botox injections are considerably affordable. This is unlike many other cosmetic surgeries which cost a lot, the prices of botox injections range from about $170 to $350. This Makes the treatment accessible to anyone who might need it.
The disadvantages of botox injections
Botox injections are one of those things that are too good to be true. As with all things that are too perfect, there are always downsides that we might not know. These are the disadvantages of getting botox injections;
- Botox is temporary. Yes, you read that right. As effective as the treatment is in slowing down the aging process, it fades out quickly. This means that once you start getting botox, you will be required to take another dose in 4 to 6 months. Apart from that, with every injection, the antibodies in our systems get used to fighting off the active ingredient in the injections and hence, the doses begin to wear off quicker and quicker. It’s like a life long relationship.
- There are medical complications that could arise from botox injections. One of these complications is permanent paralysis. This usually occurs when the injection is administered by a quack. There are procedures to follow in the administration of this injection and only a licensed plastic surgeon would be careful enough to abide by all the rules. So if you decide to go for the less expensive procedures, you run the risk of being paralyzed permanently in the occasion that the injection is administered wrongly.
- You know how it is with addicts right? With every dose of whatever they are addicted, it becomes harder to let go. This is exactly the case with botox and the bad news is that botox gets more and more expensive by the day and you just have to keep paying and paying. Some people even take loans and run into debts in trying to fight nature. Bottom line is, do not start what you cannot finish.
- One of the major disadvantages of botox are the side effects which are usually inescapable. It is important to note that some of these side effects are tied to the area of injection. Some of these side effects include;
- Mild nausea
- Headache
- Numbness
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Weakness of the lower eyelid
- Gall bladder dysfunction
- Bleeding
- Blurred vision
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue
- Hives
- Rashes
- Wheezing
- Swelling
- Double vision
- Temporary paralysis of muscles close to the injection site.
- Drooling
- Redness of skin
- Fever
- Chills
- Uneven eyebrows
- Excessive tearing
- Difficulty speaking
- General weakness
- High blood pressure
- Indigestion
- Tooth problems
The good news is that these side effects are temporary and some would only last as long as it takes the treatment to wear off. However, in some very rare cases, patients might experience bolutism-like symptoms.s which would then necessitate the immediate intervention of a doctor.
How do I get botox?
It’s pretty simple. The only thing you need to do is locate a licensed practitioner. Once you’re able to do that, everything else falls in place.
Although it may be way cheaper to go to an unlicensed practitioner to get your botox done, the smarter thing to do would actually be to find a licensed practitioner. This is to reduce the risk of medical complications.
What you must know before getting botox
- Botox is a no-no for pregnant women and lactating mothers.
- Also, ensure that you have never had an allergic reaction to either the drug or one of it’s ingredients.
- Note that a consultation with the doctor is crucial before getting your botox done. Hale says;
An experienced professional is carefully evaluating you that whole time to see how different areas of your face naturally move, so that he or she can keep you looking refreshed instead of expressionless.
A thorough health assessment prior to the injection is also very crucial.
- If you’re within age 20 and 30, there is a high probability that you don’t have wrinkles yet but still, you could have preventive botox. This is a term used when treating younger patients and studies have shown that actually using botox as a preventive measure is more effective than using it as a curative measure.
- After getting your botox injections, it is usually advisable to stay off makeup, exercising, sweating and even flying. This could cause the spread of the toxins to areas you do not want to be affected or it could even weaken the injection.
- Pre-injection, it is important to stay off certain meals and medications. Anticoagulants such as aspirin and ibuprofen hinder blood clotting and therefore increase the risk of bruising should in case the needle pricks a vessel. Some foods like fish oil, green tea, cinnamon, ginger, red wine and even multivitamins are not to be taken at least a week before your injection. This is why a consultation is crucial because your doctor gets to give you a list of the things to avoid or inculcate before scheduling your appointment.
- You must also know that there are fake botox injections. Usually, when the price of a Botox injection is ridiculously low, it is safe to assume that the dosage has been diluted. These diluted doses are usually gotten illegally. It is very possible that you are going to get either a contaminated, expired or potentially dangerous botox injections if you opt for a cheaper treatment from an unlicensed physician.
As at 2018, Botox became one of the most popular aesthetic cosmetic procedures in the world because of how efficient it is but still, things could go downhill fast if you don’t consult a certified physician.
If everything is in order, then you may proceed! Stay beautiful.
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She's an African, Afro-American breed. She's way too radical in her writing style. She adds in a little childish nature to the mix, representing all you want to be but can't.