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50th Anniversary Of The International World Earth Day

50th Anniversary Of The International World Earth Day

The International World earth day will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. This year’s celebration marks the golden jubilee celebration of this day in history (i.e. the 50th anniversary of the international world earth day). We sure are excited to join this year’s celebration as the earth is worth celebrating every day.

What is the Theme for This Earth Day 2020?

The theme for Earth day 2019 was “Protect our species”. The focus and aim were to draw attention to the increased and rapid extinction of species around the world which is directly linked to human activities.

This year’s theme, however, is CLIMATE ACTION. Climate action is a stepped-up effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-induced impacts.

Image Source: Pixabay

How Did The Earth Day Celebration Begin?

Earth day began as a national teach-in on the environment inspired by the protests of the 1960s and the brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson. The teach-in was held on April 22 to maximize the number of students that could be reached on university campuses.

Did you Know?

Your all-time favorite actor of the JOKER 2019, Joaquin Phoenix is an earth activist.

Why is This Year’s Earth Day Celebration Important?

The year 2020 Earth day celebration is important because it makes us aware of how important the earth is. Also how important our actions as creatures on the earth is. Climate change and climate action are very important to our survival on earth. This is why actions such as pollution and it’s like should be done away with. While measures to curtail/ stop be formulated.

Image Source: Pixabay

Did you Know?

The earth is the only planet that supports human life. A variety of species apart from humans live on earth. This includes plants, animals, etc.

Image Source: Pixabay

How Can We Save The Earth?

Image Source: Pixabay

If you want to join the campaign to save the earth, here are 8 simple ways in which you do that.;

  • Reduce, reuse and recycle
  • Conserve water and energy
  • Plant a tree
  • Stop the pollution of any kind
  • Volunteer for activities that will help save the earth
  • Avoid littering
  • Do not release chemicals into our water supply
  • Formation of rules and regulations for the siting of chemical industries and factories

Image Source: Pixabay

How Can You Celebrate 2020 Earth Day Amidst The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Here are some helpful tips on how you can celebrate 2020 earth day;

  • Clean up your environment
  • Take action online
  • Attend digital events hosted by Columbia University and the Earth Institute
  • Start an awareness campaign
  • Watch environmental films
  • Attend a virtual conference

Image Source: Pixabay

Did you Know?

See Also
best new year resolutions to make for the year 2025

The earth is the third planet from the sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.

Useful Information

Here is some useful information we hope would be of interest to you even as you become aware of your environment and sort to celebrate this 2020 Earth day.

#EarthDayAtHome with NASA

Due to the breakout of the coronavirus pandemic, it is pertinent to note that everyone would be celebrating this year’s Earth day at home obeying rules of social distancing. Thus, NASA has sorted to help connect us virtually on Earth day. This means they encourage us to share on social media, photos, and images of how each of us marks the 50th anniversary of Earth day using the hashtag #EarthDayAtHome. It could be a picture of special science activity, a tree or whatever inspires you.

To help us get started, NASA has collected activities, videos, special programs, and other materials to help you observe your Earth day at home. I guess if you were thinking how possible it must be to celebrate Earth Day with the lockdown, NASA has provided you with a way out. For more information, please visit their website.

Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef

Nickelodeon, a kids’ channel has been campaigning and educating its viewers on the incredible biodiversity of the great barrier reef and the need to help protect it. Series of these programmed advertisements give lectures on selected aquatic life and ways in order to save the ocean.

One of Nickelodeon’s iconic characters SpongeBob Squarepants spearheads the campaign and shows the children how they can protect the great barrier reef.

The Junior Citizens of the reef was launched on World Oceans day 2019. The program promotes reef and ocean awareness to kids around the world through an interactive online-learning hub and a newly created SpongeBob series. You can visit for more information.

Image Source: Pixabay

15 Fun Facts About the Earth

  • The earth is a squashed sphere and not a complete one
  • The earth’s rotation is gradually slowing
  • The earth is part of our solar system
  • There is only one natural satellite of the earth and that is the moon
  • The earth is a planet
  • The earth is the only planet not named after a god
  • The earth is the densest planet in the solar system
  • Earth is one of the four terrestrial planets
  • It has two natural sources of light, the sun by day and the moon by night
  • Earth moves around the sun
  • The earth has a waistline
  • The hottest point on earth is El Azizia in Libya
  • Our moon quakes
  • The planet earth is recycled
  • The planet earth is old and its original name is TERRA

Image Source: Pixabay

We hope that amidst the coronavirus pandemic you find a way to celebrate earth day. Also that you become more aware of your activities linking to the earth because the earth and environment are important. Most importantly the earth is our only HOME. Happy International World Earth Day!! Happy 50th Anniversary!!!

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