5 Best New Year Resolutions To Make For The Year 2025

It is almost New Year’s Eve again. At every year’s end, we make dazzling new decisions for the new year. Tell me, what happened to your last year’s resolutions? How many of them did you follow through? Some of us only remain faithful to our new year resolution for the first week of the year and then poof! We are back to where we started.
I have here, five easy and achievable new year resolutions for the new year that will not leave you feeling guilty at the end of year 2025. They are few in number, personal and foolproof. 2024 has come and gone. If you achieved your goals, well done. If you didn’t, well, there’s no need crying over spilled milk is there? Here are the 5 best new year resolutions to make for the year 2025.
Best New Year Resolutions To Make For 2025

1. Live Within Your Means
Whether you are wealthy or you are barely scraping up funds to take care of things, it is necessary that you live within your means. All those shopping sprees that always end in tears should stop this year. Oh yes! it always feels good to spend money hosting that party or paying the bills for a girls’ night out. Makes you feel that you’re the “man” right? For a few minutes after doing it you feel literally on top of the world but alas reality comes crashing down and you crash along with it.
Sometimes, such frivolous spending is dangerous because it might take you months or sometimes years to be steady on your financial feet again. What if you run into debt and you can’t pay back? What if you become so poor you can’t pay your mortgage and your light and water bill? There are endless terrifying possibilities open to you if you do not heed my advice and plan to live within your means.
Some of you might lift your noses at me and say “Been there, done that”. I know that after some time even the greatest suffering will seem manageable, but wouldn’t it be nice to end 2025 with you bank account displaying green lights instead of the red lights you are used to? Do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise, when you live within your means you live a better and fuller life. A life free from worries, always looking over your shoulders and a perpetually empty wallet.
2. I Want To Change For The Better
I am not saying there is anything wrong with you, neither am I saying you’ve been doing something wrong. Is there any area you would like to see change in your life in this new year? Then that’s what I am talking about. Some of us want to get rid of our sweet tooth, a bit of weight or a nasty addiction. Last years plans might not have worked out but this year is going to be the year of our break through.
Personally, I hope to spend a bit more time in the gym to get my butt in shape. Lol. I don’t know about you but I know you have dreams for the year too. You might want to have a baby, get married or you left your job and now you’re hoping to get a better job. Everything is going to work out next year, all you need is the right dose of determination to make it happen.
It is not going to be easy. We all know that great things don’t come easy so I cannot guarantee you ease. However, I can guarantee that when everything works out there’ll be a dazzling smile on our faces. Trust me, I’m going to be laughing out loud when I see my butt all shapely in jeans.
3. I Want To Build and Sustain Healthy Relationships
Sometimes it is hard to just be around other people. Maybe because they just can’t see things from your point of view or you just cannot understand why they do the things they do and you decide to run away and hide. Some of us have been hiding for five months or ten years and before reading this article we were going to continue hiding but now that we are reading the article we discover that we seem to be having a change of heart. Hold on to it!
You can only hide for so long before you become a relic. Why do you think you were born? To be seen and heard that’s why. Don’t let people’s attitude bring you down. Stop believing that your place is curled up on the bed or hiding behind the windows and doors.
You and your parents don’t get along? Fix that in 2025. You have no friends, or friends that do not actually count as friends? Oh my, you really have to fix that in 2025. Maybe you are lonely, that significant other you dream about every night isn’t forthcoming and you are tired of waiting. Wait no more! Step into 2025 on bouncing feet. This year is the year we all will find our happiness.
Relationships are hard work and some might take a toll on you but our goal is to build relationships we will be proud of. This year is for healthy relationship building. We are going to do a massive clean up of our relationship closet and make sure everybody in there is sparkling. I mean, happy with us as we strive to be happy with them. It might seem like too much to accomplish and some of us might quit along the way. It is alright to take short breaks.
It is also alright to get out of there when things begin to go south and you believe it might cause injury to your physical or mental health. There’s a thing like “try again later” there’s also a thing like “I give up”. They are both good things when you consider the circumstances.
4. I am Going To Take My Health Into Consideration
Life could be fun, right? I know you love living, I do too. Sometimes you have to stay healthy to live as a lot of sick people die. Sadly, I have noticed that a lot of us seem to care less about our health and do things that could make us very sick. Smoking, drinking, stress, having sex indiscriminately and with many partners? The list is endless.
All those drinks and smokes and the sex might seem to be so much fun now but I promise you they aren’t in the long run. You might say you don’t really care about the long run. Well, you’re not alone. No one really cares about the long run until they are standing in it. Lying down on the hospital bed, or counting the days until they say goodbye to this world.
The year 2025 is a wise year so we all have to be wise. You might be young but you won’t be young forever. You might be eating like a pig and you think you don’t care, after all body shaming is a sin. Hear me out, you’ve got to stop that right now. Tomorrow might be one day too late for you to change. Are you working like ten jobs? And you think you’re a super something or that you have no choice? One day, your strength is gonna run out and you’re not going to be able to help yourself. Why not stop now? Don’t eat more than you can chew, please.
Sex is fun. We know sex is so much fun but do you need to have sex with everyone available? You are so irresistible, all the ladies are falling at your feet, all the men can’t resist you and you can’t control yourself. Piece of advice, be careful. There are so many diseases flying around and some of them are terminal. The wise thing to do is to build a steady relationship and be faithful to your partner.
Your mental health is as important as your physical health and should be taken seriously. If you need to see a therapist but have been in denial for so long, 2025 is the year when you get that peace and closure you desperately need. If you cannot afford a therapist then talk to someone you know is loving and discrete. Goodluck!
5. I Will Make Good Financial Decisions
Do you want to start a business, buy that condo by the sea or buy a car in the year 2025? Congratulations in advance! I am really excited for you but I want you to sit back and consider if the decision you are making is the right one. Have you thought about it carefully? Financial decisions are not decisions you take lightly. It is your money we are talking about here. Think about it, is there something else more important to do than buying that car?
Will you have any money left after buying that condo? Will you be in debt? Can you do without the car? How about taxes? Are you buying it because you need it or just because you can? Are you unsure about it but someone is pushing you to? I suggest you take some time out to think it through. However, if you are someone who loves to do things spontaneously to avoid problems and you have set out money for emergencies and enough liquid cash for spending, then go ahead.
While you are making all those decisions don’t forget to save a good percentage of your earnings for investment and other miscellaneous spendings that might pop-up throughout the year. We don’t want to be stranded, do we?
2025 is going to be a great year for us all. I can feel it and I know you can feel it too. It will be even greater if you live within your means, take care of your health by eating right and stopping harmful habits. The relationships we build will also contribute to making the year a remarkable one so don’t build large, build smart.
Make good financial decisions, make sure any deal you get into is legit to avoid having problems with the law or losing your precious cash. Apart from these five, there is also one very important thing to take into consideration:
Set Achievable Goals
It is okay to dream and hope for good things to happen but it is wiser to set goals that are achievable.
Having a set and well planned goals save you from heart breaks as the months roll by and you still haven’t made it. When your goals are achievable and time bound, they don’t take as much of a toll on you. Miracles do happen yes, but we are trying to be wise this year so don’t you think eliminating “what ifs” seem like the wiser thing to do?
As you carry out your new year resolutions as well as your set goals, I encourage you to be wise, bold and brave. I’m cheering for you!
All images are sourced from unsplash
She's a beauty and an exquisite lady who enjoys the high life in writing and poetry. Her writing style and prowess is innovative and focuses on the feminine perspective, bringing nothing but wholesome gratification to the African, Afrocentric and Afro-American women at large