Zino Bernard

The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.

132 Articles Published | Follow:
Life is Nothing Near Casual Roses short interesting stories to read online

life is nothing near casual roses

And this isFor colored girlsWho have consideredSuicide but areMoving to theends of theirOwn rainbows ~~ Ntozake shange Every girl needs a hero in her life. Day One: A New Start? On the…

my first love

Tired! Tired!! These were the words that sung in my ears. I was beyond every doubt physically exhausted. I had just returned from the entire charade of today’s drama. The usual hustle…

short nigerian cartoons, short funny black cartoon, tidbit

#116: the ancestors never fail

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One Ada and Dave are cooking in the kitchen and making references to a cookbook. Dave: It states here that we should add two tablespoons of salt…

I Just Got Engaged

i just got engaged? do these 10 things now!!

“I just got Engaged!” Well, Congratulations! What next? You’re engaged! Your partner just popped the question and you said YES to it. That’s wonderful but it is time to begin tackling some…

9 Fascinating Facts About Africa History That You Don't Know

9 fascinating facts about africa history that you don’t know

There are a lot of facts about Africa history that is still like a myth to many people, yes, even till today. We’ve all heard this before, and by now, it is…

questions to ask your partner before getting into a new relationship

important questions to ask your partner before getting into a new relationship in 2024

There are important questions to ask your partner before getting into a new relationship in 2024. Yes, getting into a new relationship can be exciting, especially if both parties are in love,…

questions to ask yourself before starting a new relationship

vital questions to ask yourself before starting a new relationship in 2024

It’s the year 2024, and trust me, Sis, asking yourself the right questions before starting a new relationship is essential. Yes, you got all the butterflies in your stomach and feel giddy…

The Growth Mindset

moving into the growth mindset and how to get started

Have you ever heard the saying, “It is not about the destination, it is about the journey?” This statement rings particularly true when it comes to developing a growth mindset. A growth…

International workers day 2024

may day: international workers day 2024

Yippie!! It’s May Day again, and a lot of excitement and enthusiasm is filling the air, as the new month brings along a new season, coupled with a commendable burst of fresh…

Exciting date ideas to spice up your long term relationship

exciting date ideas to spice up your long term relationship

Hey sweetie, let’s face it, after years of takeout menus and movie nights, even the most epic love story can start to feel a little, well, predictable. Do you ever look at…