Zino Bernard

The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.

132 Articles Published | Follow:

Before You Die

Where is your safe place? The sound of birds chirping loudly above the enclosed hideout startled and roused me from sleep. I stared around, squinting to accustom my eyes to the dark.…

The Legend of Poku

Poku threw furtive glances around the area as she hurried down the path. It was near sunset and the night birds were flying out of their respective nests, waiting to take over…

Mistakes Of The Past

Jesus! Jesus! This cannot be happening to me right now, Bisi muttered to herself in fright. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and her feet could no longer carry her. As she reached…

12 Tips On How To Charm Anyone

Charming the socks out of anyone – contrary to popular opinion – demands skill, dedication, and deliberate charisma. Only a few individuals have been able to master the solid act of waltzing…

first date

12 Things To Avoid Doing On A First Date

Don’t Act Too Intense Don’t Jump To Unnecessary Conclusions Yet Never Ask This Question: How is a Beautiful Girl Like You Still Single? Never Talk About Your Previous Relationship Or Ex Don’t…

letting go

Letting Go 2

The first thing Anna noticed when she opened her eyes was the blinding white light that seemed to sting her senses. Beep! Beep!! What was that sound? She was lying facing the…

21 Inspiring Books By Black Women Everyone Should Read

With the rapid tilt towards the reading culture in the 21st century, diverse literature is fast becoming sought after. Being that literature is unarguably the mirror that reflects society, black female authors…

tribal war

Tribal Wars (E1 – E2)

E1: Tribal Wars E1 – Tribal Wars Bola quickly buckled her seatbelt as she watched Ebuka bound angrily towards the car. The day had begun on a bad note, and the glimmer…

Letting Go

In this life, you always have to be careful. Maybe too careful. Anna sparkle thought to herself as she stepped out of the big building dragging a huge carton that contained her…

What Happened To Annabelle

The investigator stared deeply into my eyes as if daring me to tell a lie. He wants the truth, and I can’t give it. I took a deep breath, trying to recollect…