Zino Bernard

The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.

132 Articles Published | Follow:
12 Things Not to Do in the Morning

Wake Up Right: 12 Things Not to Do in the Morning

As an African raised in a non-English speaking household, I’ve learned that the way we begin our mornings can greatly impact our day’s productivity and well-being. In Africa whilst growing up, elders,…

5 Major Tips On How to maintain a glowing skin on a low budget

5 Major Tips On How To Maintain A Glowing Skin On A Low Budget

The question of how to maintain a glowing skin on a low budget is one that plagues this generation on a deep scale. As a 21st century girlie that wants to have…

What to Do When You Fail? 12 Smart Moves to Bounce Back

What to Do When You Fail? 12 Smart Moves to Bounce Back

You’ve failed. It happens to the best of us. But moping around and feeling sorry for yourself won’t get you anywhere. It’d only make things worse for you in many aspects. That…

why do people make new year resolutions and fail at keeping them

Why Do People Make New Year Resolutions and Break It Afterwards?

While this might be a difficult question to answer as the human mind is invariably complex, it is not impossible to know why, and the truth is this: the act of making…

10 Best Unique Gift Ideas For Her This Holiday Season

10 Best Unique Gift Ideas For Her This Holiday Season

The holidays are here again, and this season is the time when everyone is busy with gift-giving and receiving. If you have ever wondered what are the best gifts for her this…

Thanksgiving: How to Practice Gratitude Everyday

“What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be…

Top 21 Black Christmas Movies For Families To Watch This Season

Top 21 Black Christmas Movies For Families To Watch This Season

Yipee! It’s Christmas season again, and do you know what that means? A new year is just around the corner! Another reminder that it’s the grand season for celebrations, gifting, laughter, unlimited…

Top 10 Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Top 10 Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid To Have a Hitch-Free Day

If you’re newly engaged, you must be overwhelmed with the thought of planning your dream wedding. With so many details to arrange, it’s easy to make mistakes that could ruin your big…

How to Forget a Bad Memory in 21 Tips Letting Go and Moving On

How to Forget a Bad Memory in 21 Tips: Letting Go and Moving On

How To Forget A Bad Memory And Move On Have you ever had a bad memory that just won’t go away? You know, the kind that keeps popping up at the worst…

How to deal with rejection

21 Actionable Steps on How to Deal With Rejection

Rejection. It’s a word that sends shivers down spines, tightens chests, and can leave anyone feeling deflated and discouraged. Whether it’s a job application gone unanswered, a romantic pursuit unrequited, or even…