Blessing Eloebhose
“Stop! Don’t do this I’m begging you. Please, please! Noooooo!” I cried all to no avail, he was oblivious to my wails. Hot liquid continued to stream down from my eyes, down…
Dating Tips For Introverts The Introvert Dating Tips For Introverts Stay True to Yourself! Choose the Right Venue and Date Type That Suits Your Personality Always Prepare an Escape Plan Discard the…
The charcoaled walls and the stench of sweaty bodies from the other cells sent their greetings to me in my cell where I sat with my hands crossed on my knees, my…
“You! Stop right there! If you move tirin, I go blow up your brain.” I slowly saw a vivid image of my head blowing up to bits, the grey matter flying in…
“Mother, how could you have done this to us? You just upped and left us as though we were sacks of potatoes you couldn’t afford to carry on your trip. You left…
I saw her that day before she did me. She was dressed in rags, hair the color of dirt. I could smell the ooze from her pits even though we weren’t in…
He called out my name. I could hear his voice echo through the empty hallway. “Bibanke!!!” I continued running without looking back once, tears in my eyes, all I could mutter coldly…
“Rainy days really aren’t my thing. Argh! I hate it when my shoes get wet. The ‘squish squish’ sounds irritate the hell out of me. I just wanna get home, bathe, change…
“For as long as I can remember, I have not been living. I fear that I have only been existing. Inside of me, something is missing; something really big and really important…
“I remember the first time we met. Most girls meet the love of their life at the mall while seeing a movie, by the road while trying to buy fried bean cakes…