Hi guys. The America Got Talents show is here again. Lots of amazing acts showcasing their abilities. The talent this year is really massive. Singers, dancers, magicians, e.t.c. If you are watching,…
Moms are the best people. Being a mom is a full-time job and yet they go through it with minimal complaints. A stay at home mom is essentially a mom who stays…
The Critical Race Theory (CRT) can simply be defined as a construct that uses critical theory to explain social culture as it pertains to the sharing of power. Critical Theory states that…
The technology of the African traditional religion is light years away from the technology of the developed world. Many of the inventions of science (both new and old) are norms for the…
We really lost Chadwick Boseman yesterday. I’m still trying very hard to come to terms with everything. When I heard the news, I just asked myself this question: Why do good people…
Joe Biden, former Vice President of the United States wrote the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) twenty-five years ago when he was still a senator. The law helped domestic violence victims get…
Conspiracy theories can be really laughable at times but we cannot deny that they can be dangerous. In this case, when a single conspiracy theory can change a voter’s decision on who…