Anointing Obuh

She's a beauty and an exquisite lady who enjoys the high life in writing and poetry. Her writing style and prowess is innovative and focuses on the feminine perspective, bringing nothing but wholesome gratification to the African, Afrocentric and Afro-American women at large

207 Articles Published | Follow:

October Sky of October Fifth

In the early morning of October 3rd, hurried feet moves past the buildings on Third Lantern drive for a few minutes before breaking into a run. This is Jon’s favorite past time.…

The Day I crossed the Road: The Scar

I think I grew up on a lean diet of love. I grew up in a family of Seven. I have two elder sisters and one elder brother and a little brother.…

My One Night Stand Story

My one night stand story begins like this. Where do I start from? My name is Aminat Fomzi Ojeku. My name used to be Aminat Ufouma Ojeku until I changed it. Now…

Egyptian Women: History, Roles and Rights

Egyptian women and Egypt as a whole has always sparked a form of curiosity in the world. The whole world has heard of “Feminism” because the fight for the social, political and…

I left: Dare and Fate

I intend to butter this bread thoroughly just as I buttered the last. I intend to treat it as I treated the courses I took to get my college degree, methodological, slowly,…


Life Battles: The Turning Pages Of Life

Life battles are not always won. I was sitting hunched over my table when the bell rang, watching my tears pool on the front page of my notebook. Fascinated, I watched the…

Try me Again

We were equally matched in every way. We both had three siblings, Two brothers and one sister. All younger than us. We were both 8 year olds that came from middle class…