Anointing Obuh

She's a beauty and an exquisite lady who enjoys the high life in writing and poetry. Her writing style and prowess is innovative and focuses on the feminine perspective, bringing nothing but wholesome gratification to the African, Afrocentric and Afro-American women at large

207 Articles Published | Follow:

Danger! Do Not Trust Your Gut

“Breathe deeply. Relax. Breathe out. Yes that’s it.” The man’s hand rubbed circles on her back in slow strokes. Breathe in. The air flowed into her body. Breathe out. She tried but…

African holiday dishes

American vs African Holiday Dishes

Cooking has a way of bringing people together. Food, particularly good food has a way of making people happy and putting people in a festive mood. But it is the holiday! Everyone…

Growing Old And Thinking About Death

The sun was low in the sky that day, Martha sat on the lowest step digging the toe of her pink shoe into the earth. She would remember the day in many…

Frozen tears

Jide walked down the street to the Cafe for some coffee. Another man would perhaps have gone for a drink and a long smoke but Jide didn’t drink and neither did he…

Why Trump Was Impeached – A Concerned Woman’s Perspective

As Trump’s impeachment hits us like a sudden blow we begin to wonder, is the United States developing a taste for impeaching presidents? Donald Trump is the third United States president to…

All These Lands Are Deserts

When I was about twelve years old, my mother ran a restaurant in front of our house. In the afternoons when business was slow we would sit behind the counter and talk…

The Girl Who Never Cried

The first time I broke a plate, I broke a full cooler of them. The crashing sound of their fall made my head ring like a cymbal or an old alarm clock…

A Miracle in the Snow

It is always winter for Hannah, sometimes she feels it in her body other times she feels it in her soul. During times when she feels its cold pooling at her feet,…

And she lived happily ever after

“Don’t go out in the rain.” Those were her grandmother’s last words. Insignificant as they might seem to an outsider, they were very significant to Bisi. They meant: don’t run into the…

I’ll point to the East, show me the West

“Your father wants you to take off your uniform, he says you’re following me to the market today”. My mother told me as I knelt with my hands on the buckle of…