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Feminism: 17 People Share Their Opinions on the Theory

Feminism: 17 People Share Their Opinions on the Theory


Feminism, one of the most controversial topic for debate around the world. While some people view feminism as a way for women to be “out of line”, others, the more reasonable ones, view it as a women-movement whose sole purpose is to further and make known, the woes and daily struggles of the woman and how best to alleviate it. 

What is your personal opinion on feminism? 14 people tell us their individual opinions on the topic, Feminism.

“Why is there no ‘masculism’?
The strife to create equality has been taken so far that there is a lot of imbalance it has created.  E.g there is a Ministry of women affairs in our country.”

Kunle (M)

“It is only aiding what you people are trying to prevent. There are ngos focused on solving problems faced by women but men struggle on their own. 
Who is going to be stronger in the long run?”

Peter (-)

“It isn’t good. Men are being neglected, their problems too. Women are getting more rights by far and are preferred to men in a lot of things.”

Ebuka (M)

“I think this inequality fight is being done with selfishness. Tell me one industry women aren’t allowed in. Most just don’t involve themselves in high tasking jobs because the husband would provide right? 
Let’s be honest. Almost every woman has this ideology. His money is her money but her money is never his 😂😂😂 “

Ore (F)

“Feminism will always be a noble ideology because it promotes the freedom of a group of people whose rights continue to be suppressed.  It is shameful that in the 21st century, women still don’t have complete rights to their bodies.”

Ade (F)

“I feel feminism will never work because even among the women, there is not complete agreement. They will continue to trip over themselves lol.”

Blessing (M)

“I think it is okay we have gender equality but then some people take it too far .. claim stupid rights all in the name of the word feminist…”

Itachi (M)

“Feminism is an amazing movement but it has been bastardized in recent decades.
What is being pushed by a lot of ladies these days is not feminism (which means equal treatment of women to men in a social and commercial setting) but Fem-supremacy.
And quite frankly It won’t last too long, and is doing a huge disservice to the honest well meaning voices of the movement.”

Bambi Sparks (F)
Lagos, Nigeria 

“Feminism is philosophically false, epistemologically faulty, and overall cancerous to sociocultural health.”

Epicurus (M)

“I think feminism is founded on the fair/equal treatment of women in the society, and remove the limitations of women in society based on gender bias. But this has seemingly been hijacked and is doing more harm than good. Most of the leaders of the movement are either divorced, have failed marriages or have traumatic experiences that fuel the seemingly vengeful dispositions. Most of the countries that advocate for this movement have predominantly failed marriages and families, so I think the concept needs to be redefined. The concept as seen by most is in itself oxymoronic because gender is diversity, so trying to bring equality with a fight will always be at the risk of equity. I think the right way would be educating both sexes on roles and expectations, this balance has in itself equity and equality.”

Kennedy (M)
Asaba, Nigeria

“I think women ought to be celebrated simply because they are amazing in their own individual ways. A woman should be appreciated for being an outstanding human not because of her gender. You never see men advocating for special rights or special treatment even though they also get discriminated against. What makes an individual special is their individuality not their gender and the moment women can accept this, they’ll stop feeling ‘inferior’ to men and start seeing themselves for who they are– a ‘super-human’, not a ‘super-woman’. I think the very fact that we keep demanding appreciation makes us look less special. It’s just like when you try to demand respect from people, they won’t take you seriously because respect is earned. Let every woman focus on self development and leave feminism alone. Work on becoming an intelligent, financially independent human and stop advocating that you want to walk around braless in public.”

Estee007 (F)
Benin City 

“Most feminist don’t wanna be equal to men but superior to them and those that do want to be equal don’t want the repercussions that comes with it.”

Babs (-)
Lagos State

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meanest things people have done, meanest things people did for revenge, revenge stories, real life revenge stories,

“Feminism, to me, means equity. Not EQUALITY, but EQUITY. Allow me to explain. While equality says that everyone is entitled to have a seat in a bus, equity says that the pregnant woman has a higher right to that same seat. 
I know most women have distorted feminism and is the major reason why most men and the world at large view it as a disease or plague. Nonetheless, the truth will always remain the truth, and that’s that women should ALWAYS be considered in everything. It’s a hard pill to swallow for only the idiots. And YES, I’m a proud feminist.💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾” 

Joy (F)

“Feminism is just a group of girls that are trying to be men. They want to be a man but sadly, it’s a man’s world and they can’t be one no matter how hard they try.”

O.I. (M)
Lagos State 

“Feminism is beautiful, brings a lot of good to the world and makes women know they too can achieve anything any man can. It’s abuse has however added to the Problem that feminism seeks to fight. Feminism to many women these days is man hating and a fight for superiority and compulsory entitlements rather than a fight for equality. Many supposed feminists are man haters who do not appreciate the essence of being a woman, that sort of feminism that wants to make men out of women is an insult to the female gender as it seeks to make men out of women instead of showing the strength and capabilities of women,  makes it degrading to be a woman. Men will be men and women will be women, we have our peculiarities and strengths, we are to work complimentarily, rather than in opposition. We are to leverage on our strengths rather than trying to become the other gender before we can feel competent. The sort of feminism that pushes gender war and entitlement rather that building women’s capabilities and competence so they can compete favourably isn’t Feminism but it’s what has been popularized as it. Any feminism that comes from a place of hate, bitterness and anger isn’t feminism, sadly, that’s what has come to be accepted as it.”

Octo (M)
Lagos State

“Feminism advocates for women’s rights on the equality of sexes. It speaks for the unjust treatment of women in the society.
Feminism is not a fight against men, it is a fight for equality of rights.”

Chiochi (F)
Lagos State

“The problem with feminists is that most of them don’t want to be equal with the male gender but superior and those who wants to be equal with males only want the benefits of being equal but not the repercussions of it.”

Tunde (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

It’s of no doubt that feminism means different things to people, both male and female. It is one that most misunderstands, including the woman, and one that some are ready to give even their life into. 

However, here at Afrolady, we will continue to bring to light the different shades of beauty of the woman, and try as best as possible, to make the world see, and understand.

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