Afrogist: 50+ People Share Some Weird Things They Find Attractive

There’s no limit to what people find attractive in others. From large feet, to navel piercings, to pointed nose, to small puckered lips, the range of things that draw people’s attention differ. While some of things may be natural, depending on the culture or society a person grew up in or has lived in, some are just outright weird, at least to the common populace.
In this week’s episode of Afrogist, we had over fifty persons tell us the weirdest random things they find extremely attractive. This peek into personal preferences shows just how varied, surprising and interesting human attraction can be.

“The ass of my boyfriend, it has to be full and very curvy. It’s a major turn on for me.
I take my time to scope guys’ asses on a daily basis.”
Your booboo (F)
“It’s in the way he is taller than I am, always towering over me. I get a weird sense of satisfaction from the fact that he is taller😌😌”
O (F)
Bolu (F)
Lagos, Nigeria
“I like breast but the suckable type of medium size.”
David (M)

Solo (M)
“When a guy rolls up the sleeve of his shirt and he has toned arms with veins, I find that really attractive. I once had a crush on a guy just because of that lol.”
“I am thrilled by the mindset of the opposite sex. How they speak smartly, good sense of humor.
Weirdest is clothing, Men who wear Button shirts and turn the sleeves up 😩. It’s a nonsexual turn on for me.”
Ronke (F)
Favy (F)
Benin, Nigeria

“Stubborn, violent ladies 🤪”
Eazi (M)
Lagos, Nigeria
“Boring holes in fufu/Eba while eating in order to accommodate enough soup.”
Phil (M)
“A guy that can go extra mile to make me happy.”
Bolatite (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“Their ability to always want to prefer solutions to problems.”
That gender (F)
“The last person I was attracted to. On this particular day, I was sitting in a restaurant charging my phone after having a meal.. There she was, she walked in. She was putting on Glasses, medicated glasses I guess. Her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I have seen in a long while. Her beautiful eyes attracted her to me and the medicated glasses made it obvious. It drew my attention.. I was able to get her number that day and it was a well spent Day…”
Dr love (M)
Abuja, Nigeria
“When I’m looking at a sleeping girl.”
FredKillah (M)
Port-au-Prince, Haiti 🇭🇹
“Find a guy washing a girl’s clothes really attractive.”
OMas (F)
“One weird thing that attracts me to men as well is dressing. I’m secretly attracted to men that wear button shirts, responsible dressing, senator wears and dapper suits. If you wear T-shirts and all those rubbish Gucci, you’re very unserious.”
Abigail (F)
“Loud laughs. I love everything about people that laugh out loud and do it in a cute way. That carefree laughter that is so free, free enough to soar like the bird.”
Joy (F)
Edo State
“Natural body scent.”
Chayil (F)
Benin City

“I find black people attractive.”
Jennifer (F)
“Their response to things about me, and intellect.”
Esther (F)
Lagos, Nigeria
“The way one speaks and carries himself like being composed🥰”
Gloriouz (F)
Abuja, Nigeria
“Stalking the person you love 😍😂
Unconsciously watching the person every time
Checking up on the person every minute.”
Neme (F)
Chari (F)

“One weird thing I find attractive is how a lady walks 😂😂😂. So most times I just watch from behind.. not necessarily looking at her behind or something just how beautiful her moving self is. Though she has to be a beautiful lady though.
It’s just like watching a breathing work of Leonardo da Vinci 😂”
Your meme daddy (M)
“I love people that share memes with me late at night or even at noon.
There’s something so beautiful about someone coming straight to your inbox to unload a bunch of memes they feel you might like, shows me that oh even in the mindless scrolling of social media – with all the noise that comes with it, this person remembered me and even took the time to download and share a part of their happiness.
It’s infinitely beautiful.
It’s akin to having someone giving you a wholesome foot rub at the end of a very long day.
Sweet sweet feeling.”
Almost human (M)
“Someone who’s funny and serious at the same time.”
Marvel (M)
Benin City

“Their scent.. The way it makes me feel safe and at home. And also their level of childishness. I’m very childish, I like to escape to utopia once in a while.”
Bushirah (F)
“Being fun and serious at the same time.”
Marvel (M)
Benin 🇧🇯
“Eating too much and still not fat, being strong and soft at the same time.”
Blessing (F)
“I am attracted to men with fine hands and fingers.”
Edna (F)
“Their Smile.”
Nengi (F)

Ozed (M)
Benin City, Nigeria
“Stammering… Omo!!! If a guy stammers… he can literally turn me on💆🏾♀️”
Xoxo (F)
Benin City
“I’m sure this won’t make much sense but I find it super hot when my partner controls me. Telling me what to do or say and my response is always yes daddy😍🥵”
A baby girl (F)
“Intelligence and respect….. You see people that have sense, Dem get where Dem dey touch.”
Omoba (F)
“Guys that twerk 😂”
Osas (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“Politeness especially when it’s coupled with a smile.”
Emmanuel (M)
Ughelli, Nigeria
“Still searching, currently don’t know.”
Uche (M)
“Being kind. I don’t think it’s weird though.”
Ommie (F)
Benin City

“When she is ambitious, goal-oriented, sociable, caring, and has a big bumbum, I’m automatically attracted to her.”
Temibrazz (M)
Lagos, Nigeria
“Being annoyingly needy and clingy is pretty much attractive for me.”
Ndidiamaka (F)
Benin City, Nigeria
“Funnily, one among other weird stuff that endears me to another is simply their ability to be my ‘opposite’… Just like ice and fire, Ying or Yang or ones and zeros… Anyhow you understand it.”
Daffodil (M)
Benin City, Nigeria
“Well what attracts me is, how you compose yourself and if you get vibes shaa.”
That fine boy (M)
“White eyes.”
Veteran (M)

Well (M)
Omonseigho Daniel (M)
“Funny how it may sound, I actually find ‘Afro’ hairstyle attractive.”
Samuel Mehinsan (M)
“Something weird I find extremely attractive is mud water, it’s so attractive, it looks like chocolate drink, I can’t help but seat and watch a mud water after rainfall 🤗🤗🤗”
Baeless (F)
“Eating my fingers.”
Lydia (F)

“Having my girlfriends dance for me, especially twerking in my face…”
Lilu (F)
Delta State
Monica (F)
“My husband doesn’t know how to wink properly, his attempt at a wink is so amateurish and funny and I love it. I literally tell him how to wink for me on purpose!”
Susu (F)

“I don’t know if it counts as weird, but I’m always attracted to Anime lovers. I’ve watched lots of Anime and cartoons generally and I think I’d love to be your friend if you watch anime too.”
Debo (M)
“The way someone relates and understands everything I say without me having to explain too much.”
Tsolayemi (F)
“His skin…not weird tho… just have a thing for light guys.”
Tt (F)

“Beards. I can’t be kissing a girl na or having a girl lick my kitty cat. I don’t mean goatee o😒… I mean those full beards that you can hold… hmmm🥰… what do you want zaddy??🥺☺️”
Jay (F)
Nigeria 🇳🇬
What a roller coaster!!! As our faces differ, so our taste obviously differs. Some of y’all are just plain weird though. So there you have it, hope you enjoyed this week’s episode and see you next week.
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