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AfroGist: 14 People Share the Worst Lies They’ve Ever Told

AfroGist: 14 People Share the Worst Lies They’ve Ever Told

Have you ever told a lie? Well, of course, you have. But some of those lies were weightier than the rest.

In this episode of Afrogist, we had 14 people tell us real-life stories of the worst lies they’ve ever told! These are no pure white lies. Get set for a ride!

“I impersonated my guy’s crush and collected airtime from him.”

Ze~Rabbi (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

“Telling friends while I was very young that I had a very beautiful personal assistant at home that helps me do everything, and that we lived in a mansion, and my dad has uncountable dollars. Got maximum respect since then. Until we went on an excursion and on our way back, the school bus took my route first and dropped me right in front of our bungalow. Shame swallowed me. Had to fake being sick to my mom so I don’t go to school the next day. Hilarious!”

G (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

“That I went to London. 😂😂😂 I also lied that my daddy has millions of uncountable dollars”

Geslot (M)

“Back in Jss1, I had just moved from Lagos to Benin in Nigeria (my family moved). It was a big man’s school, so I told my new classmates/friends that the reason why I always come late to school was that I take a flight to Benin every day and that we haven’t fully moved our things to our new house in Benin. I had so much rep in my class.”

Cutie O. (F)

“I have been praying since…
God said it’s you.”

Flammey (F)
Benin, Nigeria

“That I was not a virgin. I wanted him to feel like I was a big girl. When it was time to do the do and it was getting serious, I ran. I legit ran.”

Ninnie (F)

“Ok, please walk with me. This is something I’ve never told anyone. Well, when I was little, maybe 5, I came home walking weirdly. Nigerian mothers being who they are (they don’t miss a thing), asked me what’s wrong? Did anyone touch my private part? (Her exact words). I told her no. But I think she sensed something so she kept on pestering me. Said she won’t beat me and she won’t tell the person. No one would know. So I told her my sister did it. My reasoning then was she’ll drop the issue.

As you guessed right, my sister received the beating of her life, for what she knows nothing about. It was actually her best friend’s son that touched me. I didn’t want her to quarrel with her best friend and make it a big issue as she didn’t have many friends, hence the lie. My sister never forgave me until years later. Till today no one knows who did it, I’ve never really had the courage to set things straight. The guilt still kills me at times, more than 15 years later.”

Dew (F)

“That’ll probably be the times I told three different ladies I couldn’t date them (yes, they asked) because I wasn’t ready for a relationship, when in fact it was because I didn’t find them attractive.”

Don’t wanna lie again 🌚 (M)
Ibadan, Nigeria

“A teacher once caught some of us red-handed in an offense. Our punishment was postponed till the next day. The next day came and I didn’t come out with the group when called. The teacher said I was among and I lied to his face that I wasn’t. My good classmate who knew I was lying corroborated my story and put a senior staff to shame. That’s why I don’t violate the bro code.”

Adino (M)
Owo, Nigeria

“Told him I’ve never given a blow job before. I really liked him and he seemed the type that likes innocent girls…me that like sucking D 🌚 lmao!”

See Also
17 Real Stories on How Religion Has Shaped People's Lives

Lola (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“That I’m not a virgin.”

Queen (F)
Benin, Nigeria

“I’ve always told other opposite sex who ask that my body count is 3, with pure confidence. But God knows I’m a tear-rubber virgin. 😂😂”

Jake (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

“I wouldn’t necessarily call it a lie because as at that time it was unintentionally said. Well, I told my friends in primary school that the scar on my brother’s chest was caused by me. I literally said I bit him there during one of our famous fights. I would tell anyone who asked about that scar the same story not knowing that it was actually caused by a major surgery he undertook during his toddler years. What can I say🤷🏾, I was a young child with a wild imagination😂.”

The Girl who watched from afar😋 (F)

“When I was 10, I added a blue dye to my uncle’s goat’s 🐐 drinking water🤦‍♀️. The goat drank it and died. When I was asked who mixed the goat’s drinking water with a dye, I said the goat kicked it into its drinking bowl. This is a confession. 😭 That goat haunted me in my sleep eh! It wasn’t intentional oh! I was stupid.

When I grow up. I’ll summon the courage to tell the whole family I killed our Christmas goat. 🐐”

Efe (F)

  • Stories collected are shared only with the writer’s permission. 
  • Names may or may not be real to ensure anonymity.
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