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9 People Share The Toughest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced and How They Coped

9 People Share The Toughest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced and How They Coped

Life is never a lap-of-luxury. There are times we smile; There are times we cry. In this journey called life, the unexpected is the norm. Either way, we are not discouraged. As humans, we always strive to be better, to do more, to improve. In one word, to be happy.

On this week’s episode of Afrogist, we’ve put together the toughest situations some people have been in and how they came out of it. I hope some of them inspire you.

“The toughest thing I ever experienced was living with a stranger who I thought was my husband”

Zabeth (F)

“I lost my credentials in school, all originals, I felt like I was dying from inside. But the words of one of the wisest women I know (my mom) going. She said;”THE END MUST BE A GREAT ONE FOR THE WORLD TO HAVE HAD TO MAKE YOU GO THROUGH THESE MUCH TURMOIL’’

PH1N1X (M)

“Oh God, I was bleeding continuously for almost three months and almost lost my life in the process. Was looking death in the eye, wondering exactly when I would slump and die. I looked at myself one day and said “Ade, you’re a fighter. Why are you just letting yourself die?”

I decided that if I was to die then I would die fighting. I went to the hospital and found out that my insides were alright and the doctors wouldn’t help me. I began to look for ways to help myself, herbs and all. Started taking pills. Now I’m off the pills and I don’t bleed no more. It is magical and I pray it stays this way forever. If you’re out there and you have this problem know you will be alright someday.”

Ade (F)
Delta State

“It was 2016, my mum had been sick for a year +. I had managed to block it out and move on with school. Unhealthy, yes…but it was the only way I knew how to cope. Eventually, she died and everything I had been blocking came rushing back. Few months before she died, there was this guy…we had a lab practical together and we talked through the holidays. Getting back to school, we eventually met up…there had been talk of what would happen when we met, but nobody could have known it would be under such circumstances…with me trying to get over the death of a dearly beloved. We met and the energy was refreshing. Shared a breathtaking kiss and that sparked the beginning of a friendship that has helped me get through the toughest of times since then.”

Victoria (F)




“Getting a no from a company cause my game wasn’t up there. I was grateful that I could identify a weakness and I took the right course to correct it.”

Ọdiọn (M)



“I was told my mum might not have long to live…I was 11 years old then. Considering the fact that I grew up without a father, I can’t even explain how I felt then. All I know is, I kept praying to God: instead of my mum to die, please let me die.

When the designated 2-3 months reached and passed, 6 months, a year, my mum could finally get up by herself, the tears of joy I cried then… In Summary, God is faithful. Years later, she’s still alive and disturbing my life…lol. It was by far the scariest and one of the most painful life experiences I have had.”

Corine (F)

“Well my life has pretty much been a bed of roses. Anyway the toughest thing I’ve ever experienced was when I got admission into the University. I know, it’s supposed to be joyful but I wasn’t ready. Can’t really go into details. But try explaining this to a Nigerian parent🤦🏽‍♀️. At the end, I went and entered into depression. Well, I think it’s worse than depression…for like years. As for how I coped, I told myself, I do not want my child to ever be this way…so it’s not right I’m going through this. I started going to Church more, everyday to be precise. (Part of the reason though was that if I was alone, I’ll start cutting). Took a long time but I came out of that hell hole by myself. Still not sure how.”

Ada (F)


See Also
Worst heartbreak stories



“I was depressed for about two years. Everyone I ever loved left me. I became so sad that I was numb. Still not sure how it happened. Just noticed that one day, I couldn’t even manage to fake a smile anymore. Everyone thought I was being a snob because I’m quite a beauty. Sank so deep that I started cutting, not to die, but to feel something, anything.

Today, years later, I’m not totally out of it, but I’m better now, I think. There are days I’m still scared, scared to be happy, to live. But I believe everything will be okay, I have to.”

No one

“Losing my dad in 2015.

How did you cope: Friends. They helped by taking my mind off it.”

P (M)

Wow!!! We evidently go through very different paths in this sphere called life. Nevertheless, I believe that the one thing that binds us together is our empathy and feelings as humans.

A word of advice: Always try to lend a listening ear to someone. You might not be able to help much, but you don’t know how much you just being there might help.

We’re still in the first month of the year, at least try to bring a smile to someone’s face everyday. Tell that lovely old woman she’s beautiful; Tell that sombre looking guy you like his eyes. Besides, the little things we do always have a way of returning back to us somehow; either good or bad.

Thank you, and don’t forget to leave a like or comment down below. Tell us which story was most inspiring to you. Also, please share your own life experience. Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode.

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