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7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments Ever

7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments Ever

7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments Ever

Cringeworthy moments are a universal part of life, and we’ve all had our fair share of those instances where we’ve desperately wished for an escape route. This week on Afrogist, 7 brave souls step forward to share their most awkward and unforgettable experiences. These are the stories that still make them blush, laugh, and cringe years later.

Join us as we dive into the humorous and humbling world of these unforgettable tales of ‘most embarrassing moments’.

“It happened in freshman year. I and my roomie had just moved into our new apartment off-campus, and it was my first day in school. I went to have a shower after all the hard work and as always I came out dancing naked. What had made me so happy that day, I still don’t know.

I don’t like to towel dry because I prefer the water drying on my skin naturally. I was still shaking all the assets God blessed my young body with when I heard a knock on the door. I hurriedly used a cloth to cover my ‘nakedness’, if only I knew! 😭

My neighbor greeted me and started. “Next time when you bathe, remember that the window is not covered. I’m not speaking for myself, but any other guy could have been there for God knows how long…” He lost me at the ‘window’.

I turned back to look at the window. It was bare of curtains because they were out at the back drying after being washed that morning. I was slowly getting lightheaded. For all I knew, he and all the guys on the street could have stood there to watch me dance naked for about half an hour. I died!

I don’t remember how I told him bye or thanked him for the heads up, but I’m just grateful he wasn’t a leaking tap and he was mature enough to not tell anyone what he had seen that day. The butterfly effect of that event would have buried the reputation that I had not even built in that neighborhood. 💔😫”

Alias (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“My brother and I went to a shopping mall and there was a group of fine guys just opposite the particular store we entered. As we were leaving the store I was forming for the boys and avoiding eye contact, that was how my little brother saw a toy shop and was dragging my skirt to get my attention but I was still forming. He kept dragging until my skirt came down, At that point, I ran away. 😢😢😢😢”

Vicky (F)

7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments

“When I was in JSS 1, I had to use the toilet badly around the time we were usually chased from the hostel. Fear of seniors did not let me stay to ease myself so I went ahead to prep class really pressed. My friends and I arrived at prep class really early and spent the time ‘gisting’.

At this point, I was really uncomfortable so I went ahead to an empty corridor to fart. Along with the fart came a little bit of poo on my underwear, and I was trying to hold it in. It was at that time a teacher came into the corridor and smelt the offensive odor. He thought I had pooped on the corridor and I tried explaining to him that I only farted. He refused to listen and decided to punish me in front of the small crowd that had gathered.

After making me kneel for a few minutes, he took me to my house mistress and made her examine the corridor for poop. Finding nothing, she said my punishment for causing trouble was to wash all the 6 toilets that belonged to my room in the hostel. The embarrassment came the next day when the teacher who had found me in the corridor came to my class in the middle of the day to ask if I had cleaned up the poo. It seemed my housemistress had forgotten to give the feedback that I was innocent. I was so embarrassed when he came shouting and to make matters worse, my classmate who I had a crush on took it to memory and still reminded me of the incident when we were in JSS 3.”


“Wow! So, this one is big.

That bad morning, I remember going to the toilet 3 times before having my bath. My mom told me to call the office to tell them I’m not feeling okay to request the day off. Mumu me. I told her I could handle it. Little did I know the day would be a long one.

Fast forward to about 2 hours later, I knew that day would end in tears when I got stuck in traffic on Third Mainland Bridge (if you know how long Third Mainland Bridge is, you’d understand). Sweating profusely in the back seat. It wasn’t funny. I couldn’t ask for help… Help that what? It got to a point, I told myself, I’d bust this thing here and now, I don’t care. Las Las, they’d ask me to come down and I’d trek back till I can find a place to clean myself. I still couldn’t do that because I was wearing a branded t-shirt with my company’s name boldly written on it. I did wish I could pause the entire world, get off the bus, get off the bridge to do-the-do.

I didn’t know how God helped me to hold it. The road got cleared and I got to the island… I had to stop at a wrong bus stop, walked into a car dealer company that was open to beg the Gateman to allow me to use their toilet. The man saw my face and without hesitation, directed me to the restroom. God knows I didn’t even bother to check if there was water, tissue paper in the toilet…. or if someone was using the other space in the restroom.

I did it loud and raw for about 25 mins crying. I came out proud and fulfilled at the end. I can never forget that day in my entire life.”

Gee (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

“There are many o! But let me just recount one that still haunts me to this day. It happened in high school. I was with my friends, and we were having fun and telling jokes. I didn’t know the time I farted, loud. Them, being the sweet friends they are, just laughed it off and pretended they didn’t hear. I felt so embarrassed I wanted to die.” 😫

See Also

Grace (F)

“My aunt came to visit us and my parents decided they wanted to watch movies. Unfortunately for me, I had previously slotted in an adult movie (not porn) without their permission. See me begging my aunt to say that the disk was her own to save myself some serious beating. I still feel embarrassed when I remember the look on her face.”

May (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments

“My mum caught me masturbating. Yeah…don’t imagine it. 😔😔 You don’t want to know what happened next.” 😭😪

Bae (F)


All I can say is Wow! I’m pretty sure if I was in some of these situations, I’ll die on the spot.

Well, how about you? Do you have any more cringe-worthy stories?? Do let us know in the comment section.


For next week’s episode on Confessions with Afrogist, we’re going a bit old school. Feel free to tell us a tale; A tale of your first kiss … lol.

  • Stories collected are shared only with the writer’s permission. 
  • Names may or may not be real to ensure anonymity.
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