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AfroGist: 30 People Share Their Worst School Experience as a Nigerian Student

AfroGist: 30 People Share Their Worst School Experience as a Nigerian Student

Worst School Experience

Of all the things wrong with the Giant of Africa, her education sector is sadly one of the worst. And her students have a lot of experiences to validate that fact.

In this episode of Afrogist, we had our contributors share with us their worst school experience as a Nigerian student.


‘I had this huge crush on my lecturer. So I went to meet him and sort of hinted like, Sir, what if I like you? We were sort of frenemies though. This man just laughed and told me to be more focused on my studies. Till today I feel like slapping him whenever I see him. We’re still friends.’

Hailz (F)

‘Got a carryover in a course that I slept with the idiot lecturer for. The sex wasn’t even that good. Maybe that’s why though.’

Berny (F)

‘Got a carryover in my first year. Okay, multiple carryovers but I’ve passed them now though. Kept asking myself if that’s how much of a dullard I am.’

Efe (M)

‘I had loads and loads of bad experiences. But I think the worst was when I lost all my belongings in school. I was dumbfounded. Thank God I overcame. It’s all over now.’

Babes (F)

‘I saw my first year result and realized that maybe this university thing is not for everybody after all.’

Trish (M)

‘Guy, na homework/classwork. It frustrates me to the core and the worst is when they say submit tomorrow 🙄😑.’

John (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

Bad bad punishment like sit on the air 😤’

Praise (F)
Kano, Nigeria

‘Copying notes 😤😑 I hate it so much.’

King (M)
Benin, Nigeria

‘I had to beg my least favourite lecturer to sleep with me so that I could pass his course. He rejected me, and I still failed woefully.’

That sexy bitch (F)

‘Assembly 😬 long long assembly.’

Zeezee (F)
Benin City

‘The teachers 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.’

Josh (M)

‘Being called out in front of the whole assembly 😬.’

Joe (M)

‘I don’t really have one but the day my mom slapped me in front of my friends is a day I can never forget.’

Dave (M)
Benin City, Nigeria

‘Everything 😑 Everything 😑’

Bless (M)

‘Waking up around 5 pm from Monday-Friday 😬😑.’

Peace (F)

‘I just hate Mondays 😂.’

Zip (M)

‘A lecturer that used to ask me out…a very mean man. I was scared to say no because I didn’t want him to fail me.
I still said no, believing in God and I passed. Lol never been so scared and worried in my life till the result came out.

Nora (F)

Is for a lecturer to give you AOC, then set different thing in the exam.

PweetyShavi (F)

‘A week before the exam, a particular lecturer came and said he wanted to help us streamline what we are to focus on while reading for his exams and he gave us AOC (Areas Of Concentration). Na so I leave everywhere to dey follow the man advice ooh 😭😂. Exams day arrived and the man gave us questions from every part of the course apart from the areas he told us to read. I wan madd 😂’

Emmanuel (M)
Benin City, Nigeria

‘I was in 100l naive and thought that the world was a place filled with fairytales and Disney characters. I went to my lecturer’s office to submit an assignment. I went alone and witnessed the worst experience of my life. He attempted to hug me from behind and started to say things to me that I did not even understand. I was shocked, angry, upset, and helpless. I did not even understand what was happening until it was all over. Till now I blame myself for being so stupid. 😭😓One of the worst experiences of my life that I’d never forget.’

Make everybody get out! (F)

‘I was so excited about getting admission until I walked into the school’s hall of residence (hostel). I could have sworn that they were rearing pigs there, rather than hosting human beings! Why would a supposed educational and enlightened institution reduce people’s children to such penury?!! That is even substandard to an IDP camp for that matter?!! That place is the lowest of low, abeg.’

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12 People Spill The Tea On Why Our Generation Has It Worse Than Our Parents

I hate school (F)

‘I was in class one day when one Dr that is now H.O.D humiliated the living light out of me and walked me out of his class. As I shamefully walked out he spat out these words “this one has been born an ashawo and would die as one” till date I no dey forget that word. I hate him, stupid man.’

Didi (F)

‘They sent us out of our hostels and disrupted our academic activities because they wanted to host a national sports festival in a university!! This country na just pure cruise. Stupid leaders and stupid decisions everywhere.’

Student (F)
Niger Republic

‘I got seven “F’s” in my second semester 200l result. I read. I prayed. I fasted. I studied. I’m not even anything near dull. In fact, I was the best graduating student in my secondary school. But I still failed. This school reduced me to nothing, and now, I don’t even have the strength to try again. I did my best and still failed, what’s the point. I see myself as a disappointment now, and my esteem and self-confidence have been reduced to the lowest. I hate myself. I hate the fact that had to study in this filth ass country. I hate my university. I hate my parents for not hustling better so that I could have gotten the best in life. I hate. Hate!! hate,!! hate everything!! Make everybody get out!!!

Sussan (F)

‘Exams on a course that we did not see the lecturer.’

Princess (F)
Benin, Nigeria

‘Clearance was the worst for me like that was a very clear indication that school was never meant for the weak in heart, especially university of Benin’ s clearance.’

Master Ba (M)
Benin, Nigeria

‘Having lecturers that aren’t understanding… assignments upon assignment then one mad lecturer will fix test on the day of submission. You will now have to choose if you want to read for the test or focus on the assignment.’

Queensley (F)

‘When my phone’s cord and power bank was stolen in a night class. I nearly died.’

Bukky (F)

When my skirt tore in class. In front of everyone 😭😭😭😭. I now had to walk from my class to my hostel ( like 500 meters). As I got to my hostel, my phone rang and the lecturer came. I had to run back to class only to get there and the man locked me out. I stood outside for 2 hours. Heartless fellow.’

Tosin (F)

‘My worst experience happened last month when Uniben was messing with my mental health. Those people made me waste six hours looking for a course form when I had my first paper the next day. Got there as early as 8 AM and left by 1 PM. By 1 I said fuck it and went to June 12, bought sweets, got to my hostel, lay on my bed, and cried. I was losing my mind but I’m happy I was able to pull myself back up and continue the race.’

AngryUnibenStudent (F)
Delta State

It doesn’t get worse than this. I mean, does it? What was your worst school experience ever? Do you have any bad school experiences as a Nigerian student? Please share, we would like to know.

The next episode is on the link below.

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