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18 People Share Self-Motivation Tips That Have Helped Them In Tiring Times

18 People Share Self-Motivation Tips That Have Helped Them In Tiring Times

self-motivation tips

Life is a journey that definitely gets tiring at one point. However, you just have to dust yourself up and keep moving. Self-motivation is a thing some people have mastered, while others may resort to a more defining method that suits them. Either way, on this episode of Afrogist, 18 individuals decided to share with us self-motivation tips that have helped them in trying times.


“For the suffering of this present time is nothing compared to the joy that is set ahead of us.”

Olumide (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

“I motivate myself with the fact that most of my mates/ those below my age are 6fts already even after achieving their plans.
Since there’s life, there’s hope.”

Literati (M)
Osun State

“I remember the visions God has shown me concerning my future and I hold on to that picture of myself. When I see how strong, powerful and affluent that woman is, it motivates me to keep pushing now😊.”

Alias 007(F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“I can’t even say how timely this gist is, ’cause 😩. Well, I tell myself that I’m better than I was some years before and I have time.”

Jon (M)
Abuja, FCT

“When I was a little girl, about 8 years old. I promised my mother I would buy her a Range Rover when I am 21 years old. I am almost 25 and Sapa is currently wiping me but that car? I must buy it for my mom soon. By God’s grace!”

Anita (F)
Edo State

“I’m not yet 23, so I can’t really say anything about that. However, I know that the expectations that I had for my current age, are falling short a bit on the side. I’m not completely lost though, neither am I completely near where I wanted to be. Guess I’d have to keep pushing to see what’s out there for me.”

Tega Domu (F)
Lagos State

“I just sometimes look back at how far I’ve come and try to feel better.

I remind myself that we are all on an individual journey. Mine is not any less important than someone else’s simply because they’re in the headline today. I’d reach my destination when I’m best prepared for it. When I’d be able to fully enjoy it.”

Zeenos (F)
Lagos State

“Omo I’m not the first, and I would not be the last in Jesus name. So I really can give myself a break and stop worrying too much.”

Gabby (F)
Lagos State

“Nothing. If I feel tired and demotivated, I just go to bed and sleep. If I wake up to the same demotivation, I curse all the powers that contribute to work and toil and go see a movie. Or panic eat. Mtchewww. I always hate those moments.”

Tiana (F)
Lagos State

“I watch other people’s success stories, I know most of it is not legit but I watch it anyways. It gives me the moral not to give up.”

Ola (F)

“Thinking of who I want to become and what I wish to achieve is my motivation.”

Ajike (F)

“You started this with the help of God so you will finish with his help. Or you committed yourself to do this so why not just finish and forget about it🙂.”

Phait (F)

“The fact that the position I’m in now was once a position I aspired to be a while back.”

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Reggie (M)
Edo State

“Food, I give myself food 😂.”

Her (F)
Abuja, Nigeria

“You’ll regret it later if you quit now. So just do it!!”

Faves (F)

“Fuck it!!!”

Lazybones (M)

“Your future you will thank you for this. Just one more step.”

Maze (F)

“Just try. It’s better to try and do at least 10 mins than not to do anything at all. That always seems to reduce the laziness in my body.”

Jana (F)
Delta State

Well, what’s the one motivation you give yourself when you’re feeling tired? Please let us know in the comment section down below. Who knows? Someone might read it and get motivated.

Happy Weekend!

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