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15 People Share Their Fondest High School Memories

15 People Share Their Fondest High School Memories

High School Memories, High School, Afrogist, People Share,

High school memories are those moments when our brain just decides to reminiscence on a particular event that happened during high school. It could be sad, it could be traumatizing, and it could be belly-aching hilarious. After all, there’s the most painful high school memories, the most funny high school memories, even the most embarrassing high school memories.

On this week’s episode of Afrogist, we had a few people share their fondest high school memories with us. I’m sure some of them are relatable, lol. Enjoy!

“At night, we would all gather and tell stories about movies we’ve watched and books we’ve read. We’d play games with each other in the afternoons especially Saturdays that are not for visiting. Your classmates were your sisters. It was a boarding school.
One night we had so much fun we slept under the sky, smoking and working out. It was a high-energy night.”

AK (F)
Delta State

“When I was raped by a lady in my father’s house… Yes, a girl raped me.”

Doro P (M)

“I fell in love…the true meaning of love o…not this lust and sex-filled one we grew up to meet. It was magical 😫
Still remember how my heart used to beat tum tum anytime he hugged me. Now…lmaoooo.”

Fega (F)

“Having my dad come to pick me and then Him giving my friends 500 Naira each.
This increased my level in school.”

Kokolee (F)

“Meeting the love of my life… having to see him every day. All the love letters and the gifts. The whole experience made high school for me.”

Tosin (F)

Omo, there were a lot of them o. I’ll just share this one, there was this girl that always pestered me back then. Constantly getting on my nerves and all of that, as a gentle boy that I was, I was condoning all of it without reacting until one day I slapped her so hard across the face that my hands were literally marked on her cheeks. Mehn, beating wey Roma never chop for Man Utd hand naim I chop that day. The girl was still trying to tell me sorry, omo I change am for her again o. After that day, no matter how much a lady provokes me, I no dey react. Later on, we became friends. More than friends at some point. 😁😁”

Tosin (M)

“One time, one idiot teacher flogged the back of my fingers. Not with ruler o, with cane. Those long flexible canes. All because I kept my nails long. I took it without shaking, too proud to cry or complain. What makes the memory a fond one is I remember my crush trying to pet me, my best friend too. Even my elder brother offered to go and waylay him on the road to beat sense into him. Lol…I didn’t expect all the love. Somehow what supposed to be a painful memory turned into a pleasant one cause of them 🥰🥰 Nigerian schools and abuse though…”

Baby J(F)
Delta State

“Having a long gist with my favourite teacher, after his government classes. Or chatting with my clique about novels, storybooks.”

Ada (F)

“The day I won an award for best essay & logo in a competition in Akure.”

GLbaby (F)

“I went to town as a usual ritual, to get spaghetti and sardine. On my way back into school after scaling the fence, the vigilante stumped their feet and said “stop there!!”. I instead ran with my bag until I jumped into the hostel through the fence.”

Chaos (M)

“Adaobi and Rejoice were my best friends. We all went for a one week excursion and I got to meet students from another school. Twas fun! We were on a secluded island. We were forced to swim in the water. We had bonfires and ‘trainings’.”

CJ (F)

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“Okay.. There was this crush of mine I was liking but couldn’t tell her.. But the day we went for an excursion… I don’t know, one thing led to another and we kissed at the zoo that time… And since then, we started growing feelings for each other.. Think that was in SS1.”

D Man (M)

“The last day of secondary school. My friends were chasing me with buckets of muddy water so I jumped the fence. As I was running away, I realized that was my last chance to say goodbye. I walked back through the gate and had fun with my guys. Hugged some of them for the first and last time. One girl held my hand. It was so emotional. Played football for six hours after. It was the best game of my life.”

DatHotGuy (M)
Delta State

“We were having a talent day in class. I and my partner stood in front of the class performing. It would foreshadow my current career as a musician. We were singing “one Naira” by MI. I sang the chorus. When it was his turn, he said “hey princess” and the class erupted in screams and laughter.”

Muzik (F)

“I had a best friend, Blessing. Her grandmom used to sell roasted plantain. During break time, we would leave school and go and eat Bóle. The fondest memory I had with her family was on a graduation day. I went to her house and her elder sister did both our hair. Blessing I love you.”

Annie (F)

Well, it’s clear that while high school was one of the most horrible experiences for some, it was also one of the most life-changing ones for others. Either way, we all have that one memory, that one recollection, of something either beautiful or awful. Lol… Only one question remains; What is YOUR fondest memory of high school? Do let us know in the comment section down below. You can also tell us what topic you’d like us to discuss next. Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode.


Next week’s topic, we’re leaving lovers for a bit and focusing on friends. So please whisper it, say it in a quiet tone, come, and tell us your worst friendship break-up story.

  • Stories collected are shared only with the writer’s permission. 
  • Names may or may not be real to ensure anonymity.
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