15 People Share the Meanest Things They’ve Ever Done for Revenge

Everyone has a moment when anger takes over. When someone hurts us, we may feel a strong urge to get even. Revenge can come in many forms, from small pranks to big schemes. In this blog, 15 people share the meanest things they’ve ever done for revenge. These stories show just how far people will go to get back at someone who wronged them.
In this episode of Afrogist, we had our contributors tell us the meanest thing they’ve ever done for revenge.

“Hmmm. Nothing much though. But I’ve acted like I slept with someone else as revenge to get back at my ex.”
Ms (F)
“Setup my sister and her boyfriend for when my mom just came back from travel.”
Lele (F)
“Remaining silent, to make the person feel the pain of my absence.”
Wisdom Ifechukwude (M)
Benin City, Nigeria
“Move on… and don’t make the same mistake that would lead to revenge.”
Patek (M)
Benin City, Nigeria

“Peed in my aunt’s bathing water and added dettol to it so she doesn’t notice bcoz I was running late for school and she insisted on bathing before me. She was so annoying. That was in my primary school days 😁.”
Lovely (F)
“Savage responses.”
Arricute (F)
Benin, Nigeria
“Stop talking with the person.”
Ediku Efosa Joseph (M)
Benin, Nigeria

“My elder brother slapped me and I broke his phone.”
Sisi (F)
“Have fun today o.”
Destiny Erieme (M)
“Ignoring the person.”
Edith (F)

“Took her out to eat and made her pay for everything we ate (made sure she brought her ATM because she somehow always forgets her ATM when we go out and then say she’s cashless).”
Diane (F)
“I haven’t really done anything for revenge.”
Ela (F)
Edo State, Nigeria
“Simply turn a blind eye and ignore whoever offends me and in time I forget what even happened. It’s pointless to retaliate especially when it solves nothing.”
Ispywithmylitttleeye (M)
Benin, Nigeria

“I kissed my friend’s boyfriend just to make my friend jealous and thereafter, I told her I had sex with him just to piss her off. She was so mad and I felt really bad after doing that.”
Soso (F)
“I pitted my 2 friends against each other. I caused a rift so big between them they stopped being friends forever, lol. I lied to, let’s call her friend A. I lied to A about something B did to her, wasn’t B, it was me. Then I lied to B that A has never liked her. To be fair, I kind of had a valid reason. They’d both ganged up to bully me and make fun of me. This went on for about 2 weeks. Till date I don’t know why, but I had had enough. I still don’t feel bad about it. They were terrible to me and deserved it.”
Keila (F)
Revenge might feel good at the moment, but it often leaves a trail of regret. These 14 stories remind us of the lengths people will go to settle a score. While some acts of revenge are creative or funny, others are downright cruel. Next time you’re tempted to get even, remember that forgiveness is often the better path. Or better still, seek help. Read some articles that might help. In the end, letting go of anger can bring more peace than any act of revenge. Trust me.
Anyway, how about you? What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done for revenge? You can tell us in the comments section. Your secret is safe with us.
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