12 People Tell Us Something Unexpected That Changed About Them In Recent Years

Change is the only thing that is constant; Everyone has heard this phrase at least once in their lifetime. Nevertheless, it’s an undeniable truth that is sometimes pleasant and other times, not so welcome. On this episode of Afrogist, the question that we’ve put forward to our users is: What is something unexpected that has changed about you in the last few years? Let’s find out their answers.

“The way I think. I just started caring less about what people say at my back.”
“I stopped crying over every little thing that triggers my emotions. (I used to cry if someone was angry at me) Thank God for growth.”
Ajike (F)

“I’ve gone from a hopeless romantic to realist. I no longer believe love is about passion and butterflies. But rather find it in friendship and comfortability.”
Spandex (F)
Lagos State

“My weight. Moving from my early twenties to my mid twenties and my weight is changing. It’s not everyday that I am happy about the extra pounds but I guess it is part of growth.”
Ada (F)
Anambra State
“I sucked for over two years and it was really difficult for me to stop. It was really embarrassing to be known as a lip sucker in high school and I never believed I’d be able to grow out of it. Imagine an 18 year old D cupped lady sucking in public?! So glad that has changed about me!😭”
Alias (M)
Lagos, Nigeria.

“My thoughts on what it takes to be a man. The responsibility that comes with it and what is required of me as one.”
Demiscus (M)
Lagos, NIgeria.
“My ability to be a sole breadwinner. I never knew what that would be like and I never thought I could. Now that I am, I found a strength and independence I never knew I possessed.”
Kyla (F)
Lagos, Nigeria
“My faith. I never used to be religious back in high school and university, now I’m a certified prayer warrior.”
Dupe (F)
Lagos State

“This might be a bit sad but I think I have become less kind and more selfish, I really used to see it as a weakness because people made me feel that way so I tried so hard to be ‘a bad bitch’. Now that I have gotten it, I have soon realized that my kindness and selflessness was my strength.
Idara (F)
Lagos, Nigeria
“Nothing. Yes, nothing. I am still the same old childish-sarcastic-sexy-intelligent ‘don’t-give-a-fuck’ me that is selfish. Cause you know what, the world doesn’t care so why should you? 🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️”
Anonymous (F)
Benin 🇧🇯

“My spec? With years I’ve realized that all those childish dreams of a man appearing on a unicorn and whisking you away to a fairytale land is just that, a dream. My tastes have not diminished or anything, but, It has just become more realistic I guess. A knight in shining armor can be your best friend who’s been there all these years or that guy next door that you secretly like and don’t want to date anybody else. That’s my 2 cents on the issue anyway.”
Rachel (F)

“My view about life. Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected of places. Just be kind and don’t look for cheap favors. Life has a way of teaching you valuable things, it’s just more painful to learn from.”
Betty (F)
Abuja, FCT
Well, there you have it. They say ‘when life throws you lemons, make _____.’ Lol. It’s true that you learn things as you grow, but it’s also true that you can control the tidal wave around you. It’s YOUR life after all. No one’s living it but you. Happy Weekend!!