
Content showcasing the vastness of Africa and the richness of its core values and culture

Arts & Culture

Lies, Igbos And Husbands

It was in the murky shadows of my dreams that I first heard my name. First faintly, then harsh and insistent like someone trying to water unfertile ground. The tension in the…

The Legend of Rolihlahla Madiba: The African Who Had Nine Lives

The story of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who is also known as the man with many names, and his long walk to freedom for the people of South Africa, to date, remains one…

Princess Yennenga: The African Warrior Princess Who Found Love For Herself

Remember your feminist ancestors The story of princess Yennenga is Indeed an African adaptation of the popular “they lived happily ever after” fairytale. A story that speaks of strength, love, skillful doggedness,…

New Year's Eve, New Year, Crossover, Crossover in Nigeria, Nigeria,

Crossover In Nigeria

While it would be nice to count down into the new year with your significant other in front of Times Square, New York, you know as a Nigerian that your crossover night…

Ogumba: Land Of The Forgotten

The arrow whizzed past the heads of the maids and found its mark, the audible thwack elicited a sigh from the hearts of the young women who had stood there with their…

Compound Tales

The compound echoed with the laughter of gossiping women and children. It was a chilly afternoon. The trees billowed as if dancing to give the one true God, praise. Like a whip,…

Statue Image of Queen Nzinga holding an axe which is symbolic as staff of office (present day Angola).

Elite Women of Ancient Africa: Queen Nzinga Mbande of Ndongo

Know your feminist ancestors Long, long ago, in the ancient times, before the days when we learned to count time differently, and the years when the sun was sovereign: Among the greatest…

Ada: My Coming Of Age Story

“Hi, I’m Ada. Welcome to my YouTube channel,” I say and freeze. I suddenly can’t get words out of my mouth because I have none stored within. I admit that recording videos…

5 Amazing Scenic Places You Must Visit In Africa

Thinking about spoiling yourself after all you’ve been through emotionally, financially, or medically this year? Searching for amazing spots to visit for a family vacation? Need places to visit to enjoy some…

Morning Devotion

“I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. So, shall I be saved from my enemies. the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord!” My mother sang at the…