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Crossover In Nigeria

Crossover In Nigeria

New Year's Eve, New Year, Crossover, Crossover in Nigeria, Nigeria,

While it would be nice to count down into the new year with your significant other in front of Times Square, New York, you know as a Nigerian that your crossover night (especially as a Christian) is more often than not spent in a church slaying the demons of the new year and expecting prophetic words from your man or woman of God for the new year.

Crossing over in Nigeria is usually a very big deal for most people, as both ‘sinners’ and ‘saints’ always ensure they find their way into a church– any church in fact– for them to cross into the new year into. The belief that spending your first moments of the new year in the presence of God will equate to a problem-free year is very popular among the Nigerian populace. This is why people who didn’t attend a single church service throughout the year will rush into any church in their vicinity, even if it is just ten minutes to the new year.

Does it matter though? Is there any meaning to crossing over in a church? Or choosing to cross over in a club with your friends? Or simply spending it with Bae, having mad sex? Well, just as there are different shades of black, different people crossover in different styles in Nigeria. Let’s check them out!

What Is The Significance Of Crossover In The Church?

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Many Christians share contrasting opinions as regards this topic. While some believe it is the ultimate and only way to cross over into the new year, some others believe it is totally unnecessary; a ritual set up by bigots and ministers who want to pocket the fat offerings that would be received after an overflow service like a crossover service.

While it is totally unnecessary to speak ill about men of God and slander them without proof, one really needs to ask, why is it so important to Christians that they crossover in a church? Is there truly any significance to crossover in a church? Are there truly special blessings attached to those that attend crossover services in church?

If so, how about those that didn’t attend a single service throughout the year? Or even worse, those that rush in five minutes into the new year just to say amen and shout happy new year? Do they also get to enjoy the same package the ‘faithful’ get to receive at the crossover service? How about those that are working their asses off at work then? No special package from God for them because they didn’t attend service?

I ask these questions because over the years I have seen many Christians that have been of this opinion. Christians that believed it was not very ‘Christ-Like’ to not crossover into the new year in the church. Christians who believed that no matter how beat you feel from work, you simply MUST go to church for cross over service.

I also ask these questions because my stepmom used to tell me about how she and her brothers celebrated New Year’s Eve every year. They would take out their stereo speakers and blast mad Afro juju and Fuji music till the late hours of the morning over drinks and dancing. They were not in the church but it didn’t mean they were not Christians or thankful, and there sure wasn’t a different Nigeria for them from the one the people who crossed over in church experienced in the new year.

So again I would like to ask, what is the significance of crossing over in the church? Are there truly special privileges for those that go to church to cross over? I would like to know because honestly, the basic reason why I always love to go to church to cross over is that I get to do it with a family that I have known for over fifteen years. If not for the familial bond I share with my fellow church members, I doubt I would stress myself so much to attend a crossover service there– or anywhere in fact.

Again, this is just me being personal. More importantly, I would love to get your view on this subtopic. What do you feel is the significance of spending your crossover on New Year’s Eve in the church– that’s if you think there’s any at all. Whatever your opinion may be, we would love to view it. Do share below!

Crossover In A Church

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An average Nigerian Christian knows his last two to three hours of the current year is supposed to be spent praising God and thanking Him for His faithfulness all through the year, while his first hour into the new year is usually spent ‘securing’ it spiritually.

This spiritual exercise is usually carried out by the leadership of the man of God, whereby series of warfare prayers are taken in quick succession, after which the man of God proceeds to prophetic declarations he or she must have heard during the prayer.

After the prophetic declarations, the theme of the new year is proclaimed and members go into another session of celebration, with everyone congratulating each other for being among the ‘select few’ to have made it into the new year.

Is there any significance to crossing over in a church though? Why do Christians take it upon themselves to travel long distances and deal with insane traffic on the road, just so they can crossover in a church? Do well to share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Crossover In The Club

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Another sect of crossover Nigerians is those that like to enter the new year party style. While some people drive through terrible traffic just to ensure they get into a church to spend their crossover into the new year, some others love to go through that same horrible traffic so they can crossover in their favorite club or bar with their friends. For them, nothing beats entering the new year in such grand style.

Now, while most people would think this choice grossly irresponsible and ‘worldly’, many of the same ‘Christians’ have come to the opinion that there is nothing scriptural about crossing over in the church. They believe that it is simply a ritual religious bigots have set as a standard and rule for the rest of the Christian community to follow.

They think that they did not see any significant difference in the years they crossed over in the church and the one they did at home or elsewhere. Thus, the decision to instead spend it celebrating with their loved ones in an environment where they can express their joy best in. Club or church, Nigerians simply love to express their happiness whenever and wherever they can. After surviving through a very hard and tough year, they simply want to let loose and dance hard. After all, not every hardworking person was opportune to enter the new year.

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Is there anything wrong with choosing to cross over in a club then? Is choosing to spend your last moments of the current year and first moments of the new year in a club, bar, or party such a bad thing? I would love to know your opinion in the comments section below too!

Crossover At Work

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Yes, crossover at work! Sadly, some people don’t get to crossover partying at the club or doing thanksgiving in the church. These guys are the essential workers that ensure everything keeps working for others to enjoy. You guys are the real heroes, honest!

While they would like to chill with their friends at the bar or on the bed with boo, they stay back at work to monitor patients’ vitals, power supply, click away all night in front of their monitors and drink coffee all through the night to stay awake.

Simply put, Nigerians are hustlers. This hustling DNA is installed into every Nigerian at birth and kicks in at different stages in their lives, depending on how early the reality of life hits them. Rich or poor, every Nigerian believes in ‘work hard, play hard’. This is what motivates them to keep working and even crossover at work, instead of being at home with their loved ones.

It takes a high level of diligence and commitment to cross over at work on New Year’s Eve. If you have ever had to do so, please tell us in the comments section below, we would love to celebrate your zeal and hard work too!

Crossover At Home

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The last sect of crossover Nigerians we will be checking out in this article are those that simply love to crossover in the comfort of their homes. This set can combine all the aforementioned sects. They can choose to do their thanksgiving into the new year, after which they go into a series of jubilations over loud music, dancing, singing, and alcohol, or simply spend it in bed with their significant other creating good music into the festive night.

Many Nigerians find themselves in this category as this category houses a portion of Christians that either choose to not go to church or couldn’t attend due to unavoidable reasons, a portion of Muslims that decide to stay home instead of going to the mosque, and even the pagans/atheists that have no place of worship, to begin with. Crossover at home is usually the largest sect of Nigerians every year.

So, which sub is yours? Thanksgiving at church? Partying at the club? Crossover at work or just chilling at home? Do well to drop yours below! Oh, and of course, Happy New Year in advance!

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