How To Attract A Man

How do I attract a man?
What do men want in a woman? In the last decade, men were clamoring for a certain kind of woman due to the vast knowledge they had begun to acquire. This knowledge was gotten from relationship seminars, shows, more books, talks, and of course the feminism campaign which changed the narrative. There was a shift from the desire of only sexual prowess from a woman into desiring more. Do you want to know how to attract a man? Then you are in luck.
The 21st-century man wants only two things from a woman and that is Beauty and Brains. These are the two major ways of attracting a man. This is not to refute the fact that men want other things from women such as companionship, commitment, etc. The truth is such things are requirements of a relationship and not necessary on the attraction table.
Requirements in a relationship often differ from those of attraction because, in relationships, there must have been a pass from being acquaintances to friends and much more. So, when it comes to attraction, either he falls for your wits or lips, you are sure to attract him. These two major ways can be divided into the following;
- Have a good dress sense
- Dress to impress
- Apply some makeup if need be
- Smell nice
- Keep fit
- Take one step at a time
- Magnify your strengths
- Look neat and presentable
- Be elegant
- Have a nice smile
- Have a wide range of knowledge
- Know how to generate humor
- Know how to engage in a conversation
- Know the specifics for Mr. Right
- Keep tabs on what is trending
- Be a guru in your field
- Know how to think logically
- Know how to proffer solutions
Beauty: You Need This Nitty-Gritty
A Good Dress Sense
No man is attracted to a shabbily dressed woman, a sexy one maybe but not one with a bad dress sense. Know what fits and what is right for the occasion. Have a good knowledge of color and pattern combinations. Whether you follow the trend or not, wear what matches. Bold colors, patterns, monochromes, slits, flair, silhouette, silk, etc. should be combined appropriately.
How you are dressed determines how you are addressed and it is one of the first things that says a lot about your personality. The first step is to attract your dream man but after then you would have to attract others around him too like his family and friends. So, from the onset, look neat and presentable. Always appear your best and you are sure to attract the best.
Dress To Impress
Dress how you want to be addressed for sure, but you can always go further by dressing to impress. If you have been trying so hard to attract the opposite sex, then this is your winning card. Men have been said to be moved by what they see, so dress to impress. If it doesn’t impress you, then it sure won’t impress him. One secret of attracting the opposite sex is to make him stare or glance twice. Looking sexy in our opinion should be for trying to up your game in your relationship but to attract him, you need to look good. The shoes should do the trick.
Apply Makeup
Every woman should be able to apply makeup once in a while, if not every time. While men have different tastes, no man has ever been less attracted to seeing a lady on makeup for the first time. Know how to apply your everyday makeup, from lipsticks to eyeliners, eyelashes, etc. Give him a reason to stare.
Smell Nice
No matter the sex, everyone is put off by a smell. If your beauty doesn’t finish the trick, then try to attract his nostrils, certainly, his eyes, brains, and heart eventually will follow. If you are free-spirited, flower scents would be nice but if you want to appear bold, something strong yet subtle and feminine should work.
Keep Fit
With no doubt, a woman’s body is an attraction force of its own. Men are always attracted to feminine bodies. You want to draw attention to yourself, do your homework, and keep fit. Watch what you eat so his eyes could watch you.
Take One Step At A Time
How do models get the attraction of the audience asides the clothes they wear? Well, their catwalk. As a woman, you might want to learn how to walk elegantly. One unique feature of a woman is elegance and of course poise. You have to be elegant about everything. Your shoes, hair, clothing, etc. Don’t be in a hurry to walk, take your time. Let your shoes lead you.
Magnify Your Strength
Well, you have to know your strengths and magnify them. Also, try to work on your weaknesses. Do I dress well but smell bad? Do I smell nice but dress shabbily? Do I pay attention to my fashion? Am I knowledgeable in this matter, can I make small talk? etc.
A Nice Smile with a Little Dash of Small Talk
One other way of attracting the opposite sex is to smile at them. Don’t be uptight all the time. Smile and say hello. Men always try to make small talk when they are trying to woo a lady or probably get her number, contend with him at his own game, be a guru at making small talk.
Brains: You Should Be On This Train
A Wide Range of Knowledge
No one could be a walking encyclopedia, but you should be vast in knowledge so you can give your opinion on any topic raised. What do you know about football? Wine, architecture, farming, movies, etc. You want to attract the opposite sex, join the conversation.
Know How To Generate Humor
Don’t be a bore! Know some jokes. Understand your language to the point that you can generate humor from it. Know how to tease a man. Some conversations are meant to be made on a light note.
Know How To Engage In a Conversation
One should know how to start, follow up, and end a conversation. Have you ever listened to guy talk? It is a different ball game altogether. You want to attract a businessman, then be ready to talk business. You may also want to be current with news and what is happening in the world. This may be a safe ground to begin a conversation.
Know The Specifics For Mr. Right
Know what kind of man you want to attract, so you have a heads-up of how to attract him. Men have different focus and taste although they share similarities when it comes to women. The truth is that you cannot attract every man the same way.
For starters, a business-oriented man would be found in different places from a celebrity. Due to their character, beliefs, and goals, they would have different routines, hangout spots. You may meet by chance but if you’re dead serious about attracting that man, then you ought to be strategic, specific, and precise.
Be a Guru in Your Field
Men are attracted to a woman with passion. Whatever you are passionate about you should be able to talk about it. Be an expert in your field and you are sure to attract a man with a good eye. He would be attracted to watching you talk.
Think Logically
You need to know how to think logically and make logical statements. Have good reasoning and say things that make sense and fit into the conversation. Men are known to be logical in their reasoning, it would cool if his to-be girlfriend could also be his best bud.
Know How To Proffer Solutions
You should be a bank of solutions. If you do not know how to generate solutions, then you have no business attracting a man. This because men are out looking for solutions, if you have one, it glues them to it and then you. Who knows your brilliant ideas could keep him hovering over you and crazy enough to tie the knot with you.
Beauty is more of the practical and brains the technical know-how. Every context requires beauty and brains to attract a man.
Whatever man you want to attract, be the female version. Remember, you already have what it takes to attract a man, you are a woman. You are born naturally.
7 Things You Need to Know On How To Attract a Man
- You need to be approachable
- Never look desperate for a man’s attention
- Don’t compare yourself to another woman
- Don’t be a stalker just to get an attention
- If you are still confused about how to attract a man, get tips from your male friends
- Don’t lose yourself just to attract a man, be yourself
- You would always attract a man, be mindful to attract the right one
9 Tips On How You Can Win Him Over
- Bump into him to get his attention
- Feign you know him from somewhere and begin small talk
- Play with your hair and act shy if you seated close to him
- You can be upfront with your feelings
- Give him your best smile
- Look him up on social media and start a conversation
- Offer to pay for what he is getting if you both meet at a shopping spree or a café
- Always have your business card so you can give him yours
- Talk about fun stuff and be mindful of his interests
What is The Law of Attraction?
One of the laws of attraction states that like attracts like. While another suggests that opposite poles attract and like poles repel. One fact is that this could apply to relationships too. But when you want to attract a man, you should be sure to note that both of you may be similar in some way or different in other ways. The goal is to focus on the individual and once you have made your decision, begin your plan on how to use the laws of attraction to your own advantage.
Remember, you are a natural, you have what it takes to attract a man, never let anyone tell you otherwise. Just up your game and you just might win the prize. Happy hunting!!!
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Train is a female editor and writer at Afrolady International concepts. With knowledge of Linguistics and a love for languages, She objectively edits and writes contents in order to preserve cultural backgrounds, heritage, worldviews and mother tongues. She is bold and unique.