How To Be A Better Friend: Let’s Get Chatty

It is a new year, and if you’ve not been the best in the friendship department, then gather around because this article is just for you.
We are all familiar with the word ‘Friendships’. However, what we are not very familiar with is the word that could define or Mar our lives. Yup, the keyword is quite important! Even so much more important than we realize ourselves.
Most times we are often plagued by the thought of how to do better with our Friendships that we end up asking questions like “how can I be a better friend?” And “why do I need to be a better friend?” What’s in it for me? And isn’t it better to be a lone wolf? That works just fine too, doesn’t it?
Well, the answer is not far from the question itself.
Friends are the backbone of all social interactions, they have the power to build up, and put anyone down. There are more perks to true friendships than we let on but sometimes our friendships could literally go awry and this might clearly be no fault of ours, or anything intentional. Truth is, friendships can be hard to gauge, as it’s hard to tell who a true friend is and who is only interested in getting something out of you.
And that’s why I’m writing this today. Some of us have not really been the best of friends to our pals, and this article will give you a better understanding of what makes a good friend, including how to be a better friend, and how to take your friendships from a zero to a ten!

The First Step: Why Do We Even Need friends?
Before delving into the conversation of having “good friends”. It is important to understand why it is a good thing to need friends.
Being a good friend is one of the most important things in life. It is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. Whether we agree with this or not, humans are social beings, and we rely on communication to survive. More than communication, we rely heavily on others around us to participate in living. What better way to walk through life than doing it with friends and not just random people?
I think that friendships are one of the most important things a person can have in life. I’ve learned a lot about friendship over the years, and I want to share some of my tips for being a better friend.
I don’t mean the superficial kind of friends you might get entangled with that demand so much from you, with little or nothing in return(not to imply that friendships should be based only on transactional) or the ones that make you regret the decision to have them in your life, every single time there is an interaction (now that’s not really friends, but torture). I mean true friends, who will listen to you through happy and not-so-good times.
Friends can be your safe haven in the crazy and unpredictable world we live in. They can serve as a community, a reliable structure, and most importantly a backbone that sees you without any mask or superficiality.
There are many reasons why people need friends. Here are a few key points:

Why Should Anyone Need friends
- Friends provide emotional support: Having friends means having someone to talk to, confide in, and rely on for emotional support. They can listen to you, offer advice, and be there for you during difficult times.
- Friends improve mental and physical health: Studies have shown that people with strong social support networks have better mental and physical health outcomes. Having friends can help reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost immunity. Having a group to confide in and share your anxieties with helps you thrive immensely both mentally and physically.
- Friends enrich life experiences: Friendships add richness and meaning to life. Having friends means having people to share experiences and memories with, whether it’s exploring new places, trying new things, or just enjoying each other’s company.
- Friends help in personal growth: Having friends means having people to help you grow and develop as a person. They can offer guidance, support, and a different perspective on things, helping you become the best version of yourself.
- Friends are essential for a sense of belonging: Humans are social creatures and we all need to feel a sense of belonging. Having friends helps to create a sense of community and belonging, which is essential for our overall well-being.
- Friends can lead to professional growth: Friends can offer support and guidance in our professional lives as well. They can offer advice, help with networking, and even open doors to new opportunities.
- Friends are essential for a happy life: Friendship is essential for a happy life. Having friends means having people who care about you, support you, and make your life more enjoyable.
- Friendship enriches life experiences: Friendships add richness and meaning to life. Having great friends means having people to share experiences and memories with, whether it’s exploring new places, trying new things, or just enjoying each other’s company.
3 Key Tips On How To Be A Better Friend
1. Listen
First of all, it is important to listen. In fact, this is the golden rule, being a better listener is one of the most important things you can do for your friends. When they’re going through a tough time, they need someone to talk to, and you should be there for them. This doesn’t mean you have to solve their problems, but just being there and listening can make a big difference.
2. Be Reliable
Another key to being a better friend is being reliable. Your friends should be able to count on you when they need you. If you say you’re going to do something, make sure you follow through. Even if something comes up and you can’t make it, let them know as soon as possible.
3. Try to Wear Honesty as a Garment
One of the best ways to be a better friend to yourself and others is, to be honest. This doesn’t mean you should be rude or cruel, but you should be honest with your friends about your feelings and opinions. If you’re worried about something they’re doing, tell them. If you’re upset about something they said, let them know. Being honest will help build trust and strengthen your friendship.

Some Additional Tips For Boosting Friendships
1. Show Interest in Their Lives
Ask your friends about their interests, hobbies, and life events. Show that you care about what’s going on in their lives and that you’re genuinely interested in hearing about it.
2. Make Time For Them
In today’s busy world, it can be hard to find time to hang out with friends. But it’s important to make time for the people you care about. Schedule regular hangouts or call/text them often to stay in touch.
3. Be Supportive
Friendships are built on trust and support. Whether your friend is going through a tough time or celebrating a big accomplishment, be there for them and offer your support.
4. Show Appreciation
Show your friends that you appreciate them by giving them compliments and expressing gratitude for their friendship. A simple thank you or a heartfelt message can go a long way.
5. Be Open-minded
Friendships are strengthened when you’re open-minded to new perspectives and ideas. Be willing to listen to different opinions and learn from your friends.
6. Share Experiences
Sharing experiences is a great way to bond with friends. Plan a day out, a weekend trip or a fun activity together. The shared memories will strengthen your friendship.
7. Be Honest
As mentioned before, Honesty is key in any friendship. Be honest about your feelings and opinions, and don’t be afraid to have difficult conversations.
8. Be Yourself
Lastly, be yourself. Friendships are built on authenticity. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not, and allow your friends to know the real you.

How Can You Tell When You’re Not Being a Good Friend?
1. You’re Not Making Time For Others
Time and availability are one of the bedrocks of any healthy relationship. If you’re always too busy or find excuses to avoid spending time with your friend, it may be a sign that you’re not being a good friend.
2. You’re Not Listening
The ability to listen takes genuine effort and if you’re not listening when your friend is talking, or you’re not paying attention to what they’re saying, it is a sign that you’re not being a good friend. There is always something to listen to even in the middle of silence. Be that friend that listens even when your friend decides to stay quiet. It shows empathy.
3. You’re Not Being Supportive
Support takes different forms. Sometimes one of the easiest ways to spot an unsupportive friend can always be seen if you’re absent when they’re going through a tough time and you’re not offering support or being there for them. This is one of the surest indications.
4. You’re Not Being Honest
Indeed honesty is the best policy and if you’re not that friend that is honest with your friends even when they do not wish to hear it, then you’re probably not being a good friend. If you’re not being open and transparent in your communication, then that’s your surest cue.
5. You’re Not Being Respectful
Respect is imperative at all times and If you’re not treating your friend with respect and kindness, then that’s one of the surest signs that you’re failing miserably at your friendship.
6. You’re Not Making an Effort
if you’re not making an effort to maintain the friendship, like not replying to messages or not showing up to plans, it may be a sign that you’re not being a good friend. A lot of us are guilty of this, and seriously need to do better.

7. You’re Not Being Understanding
When you’re not understanding or empathetic towards your friend’s situation, then that could mean you’re becoming emotionless to their plights and ordeals. That’s a sure way to tell that you’re not being the best pal for them.
It’s important to note that these signs aren’t always indicative of a person being a bad friend but could occur as a result of negligence or maybe even an oversight. It’s also important to communicate with your friend about any concerns you may have about your friendship. Being a good friend requires effort and a willingness to communicate and make amends when necessary.
Why Is It Important To Be A Great Friend?
Being a great friend means taking time out to listen when your friends have something on their mind, even if it’s not what you want to hear. It means listening with an open mind, without judging or making assumptions about what your friends are saying. It means asking questions instead of assuming things and giving your friends the space they need to talk about what’s bothering them.

Sometimes life gets hectic and it’s hard to keep up. You may have too much on your plate or perhaps things just aren’t working out as planned. That’s when having a good friend by your side can make all the difference in the world! Being able to talk about your problems and concerns with someone who cares about you so much allows for new ideas and solutions to come into play that might otherwise never have been considered before now!
If you’re struggling with something, ask them how they would handle it differently than what has worked thus far. They may have some great advice that will help you get through whatever issue is holding you back from achieving your goals.
When you are a great friend, you’re not just there when they need you. You’re there for them when they don’t know how to ask. When they need a shoulder to cry on, you are there. When they need someone to listen, you are that person.
When you are a great friend, people will come back to you over and over again because of the way that you make them feel about themselves.
A good friendship takes time, effort and a lot of listening to build. But if you’re willing to put in the work, you’ll be rewarded with a friendship that will last a lifetime. Remember to listen, be reliable, be honest and make an effort to maintain the friendship. By following these tips, you can strengthen your existing friendships and build new ones that will last a lifetime. Remember, friendships take effort and commitment, but the rewards are well worth it in the end.
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The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.