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Feminine Care Methods For Divas

Feminine Care Methods For Divas

care methods

Nothing says diva like looking glam and peng twenty four hours of the day, seven days a week. You walk down the road and heads turn, double checking you. Not guys now, but other women like you. It’s not so easy being a female. You have to take extra measures to care for your hair, nails, skin and even your kitty.

In order to maintain proper feminine hygiene, you need to give special attention to your skin care, hair care, nails care, and vaginal care. No diva walks around with an itchy kitty. You don’t want to be that diva either.

Keep reading to learn all about your hair, nails, and vaginal care tips, so you can start strutting around like the queen you are!

Nail Care Methods For Divas

Nail care might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about feminine hygiene but like they say, “it’s the little things that count!”

Caring for your nails involves caring for your cuticles, moisturizing frequently, and other lifestyle changes that improve the overall health of your nails.

4 Tips On How To Effectively Care For Your Nails

Below are some easy tips to ensure long healthy nails:

1. Stop Attacking Your Cuticles

Whether it is with a nail file, or a cuticle nipper, reduce the urge to remove all the cuticles. In fact, the cuticles are a protective seal for your fingers.

One wrong move can damage the nail bed and cuse your nail to grow out wrongly.

Not to mention other infections that could arise when the cuticles are damaged, like whitlow. You don’t want to experience that, honestly.

2. Moisturize Generously

The same way you care about your hair, you should care about your nails. Dry nails break easily so it is important that you moisturize often.

When you are applying lotion to your hands and toes, pay special attention to the nails by applying generously in those areas.

The same way you use leave-in conditioners for your hair, you should condition your cuticles.

Invest in hand lotions and serums.

3. Quit Bad Nail Habits

If you are one to bite your nails, you know that no matter the number of tips you try to implement here, it’ll all be a waste.

Divas don’t bite their nails.

Also, refrain from using your nails as an inbuilt pocket knife (no matter how sharp you think they are). Don’t use your nails to open bottles and don’t try to ‘dig out’ ingrown toenails.

Use a nail brush or extra toothbrush to clean out dirt under your nails instead of digging them out with a nail file or manicure scissors.

The nails absorb water a thousand times faster than the skin, so try to avoid leaving your nails in water for long. Excessive water intake can cause your nails to get bendy and soft. This can lead to breakage and weak nails.

It is also why you shouldn’t soak your nails for long before a manicure. It’s a bad popular nail practice that needs to be stopped.

4. Go For The Best Products

Sometimes, what works best isn’t always the most expensive. Choosing the best tools and products can go a long way in building strong healthy nails.

Instead of using plain old emery boards to file your nails, use a crystal or glass nail file. If possible, avoid using nail polish remover altogether. It’s not very healthy for your nails. If you must, go for one with hydrating oils like non-acetone removers.

Sometimes, the best product is the natural product– water. Staying hydrated is extremely essential for growing healthy nails. Less water on the outside, more inside.

You know a true diva by her nails.

Hair Care Methods For Divas

Nothing demonstrates femininity like fine, well groomed hair. Your hair brings out a different kind of beauty that your other features can’t. This is why it is important for you to treat your hair right if you want people to see and treat you like the queen diva you are!

Hair care involves hair treatment, hair styling, choosing the right products, wash days, etc. There are so many easy ways to give your hair a lush, healthy shine.

3 Major Know-Hows to Grow Strong Healthy Hair

Below are some easy tips to grooming strong, healthy, beautiful, diva-like hair:

1. Wash Your Hair Regularly

Just as clean skin leads to healthy skin, clean hair leads to healthy hair.

Do not compromise the tradition of ‘hair day’.

For dry hair, wash twice every week. For oily hair, wash once every two days. This is because your hair still needs those essential oils to protect it.

Washing everyday will strip the hair follicles of those oils and expose it to environmental hazards. It can even lead to hair breakage. So it’s important that you wash, just don’t wash it too often.

2. Avoid Too Many Chemicals

Whether it’s in your shampoo or your conditioner, you should watch what you feed your hair. Make sure your shampoo is low in chemicals. The milder, the better.

Sulphates can lead to hormonal imbalance and cause scalp irritation after a while. Still, it cannot be completely removed from shampoos because it is used for preserving and lathering.

It never feels like you washed your hair if it doesn’t foam right? This is why sulphates and parabens are essential, but you can try shampoos with less chemicals.

3. Go For Natural!

Whether it is with respect to hair food, hair drying, or even styling, natural is always best for your hair.

After making sure you only condition the tips of your hair, (not all the way to your scalp please), opt for natural products for your hair food. Some natural products that can help you achieve a productive hair day include: Shea butter, aloe vera, coconut oil, carrot oil, and a host of other natural products.

They give the same softening effect that chemical products give, while strengthening the roots and producing a healthy shine. Also, instead of using heat to dry and style your hair, you should leave your hair to dry naturally as heat is very dangerous for your hair.

Dying your hair can also result in breakage and split ends, as it drains moisture from the hair. If you must, make sure you moisturize regularly so the hair doesn’t start to break off from dryness.

All in all, it is obvious that going natural is the best care method you can give your hair. Do these and your hair will thank you for it by shining ever so brightly and strong.

A healthy lifestyle will go a long way in grooming fine, lush hair. Eating healthy, drinking lots of water and trimming your hair regularly will have even better effects on your hair than going around looking for hair boosters.

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Vaginal And Vulva Care Methods For Divas

Kitty cleaning is the first thing that pops into your hair when you think about feminine hygiene right? However, it’s why we saved it for last. Whether your hair is as long as Rapunzel’s, or you go for mani-pedis every week, kitty care tops the list when it comes to feminine hygiene.

Vaginal and vulva care involves underwear maintenance, vulva cleaning, pubic hair trimming, and lots of other stuff. Since the vulva is the region you can have more contact with, you’ll be learning about how to care for and treat it.

How To Care For Your Vagina

This section will be grouped under ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’.


Wipe from front to back not otherwise. Doing otherwise might cause bacteria to move from your rectum to your urethra. Better still, you can use seperate wipes for both areas.

Clean up after urinating by using water to rinse the sides of your interior and exterior, not pouring water directly into your vagina.

Eat healthy foods that are rich in:

  • Probiotics
  • Protein
  • vitamin C
  • omega-6 fatty acids
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamin E

When you eat properly, your body will produce everything your vagina needs to discharge properly. You won’t need to hop on trends like vagina steaming and douching that can even cause more harm than good to your vaginal health.

Use a new razor every time you want to shave. It’s to avoid the risk of infections and to prevent aftershave bumps.

Take out time to observe your intimate region regularly. The only way you will know if something is wrong is if you knew what it was like when it was okay.

You can wear panty liners so that the crotch area of your panties can remain dry and fresh all day long. If you insist on towel drying, ensure you change it every 2-3 days to avoid infection.

Cotton underwear is breathable and can absorb discharges. Wearing cotton underwear might make you feel like a granny, but that’s what your intimate region needs.

Drink water regularly, and avoid sugary drinks. They can affect the odour of your discharges.


Don’t just zoom in and out of the bathroom everyday. You can use a hand mirror, smell your undies or use your fingers to feel your vulva and its discharges so you will know if there is a change in odour, shape or whatever.

Don’t use regular soaps to wash your intimate region. This is because regular soaps have a P.H veue of 5.5, but your vagina has a P.H value of 3.8 – 4.5. Using regular soap may disrupt the P.H balance and even lead to infections as the skin in that region is extremely delicate. This brings us to vagina steaming.

Avoid steaming your vagina. Steaming can burn the delicate skin in your vagina. Imagine dealing with a burn there. You don’t want to have to experience that.

Do not use sponges, loofahs, or gloves to wash your kitty. Those abrasive materials are not only rough on the delicate vaginal skin, but also tend to retain germs and bacteria, and as such can cause infections.

Do not wear silk or satin underwear. They do not absorb discharge and it can lead to infections. If you must, let the crotch area be of cotton material.


All in all, it is apparent that without using any special product, you can achieve the ideal body you have always envisioned for yourself by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Keep eating healthy and drink lots of water. Your inner diva is sure to break forth when you follow all these care methods!

All images are sourced from Unsplash

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